Configuration and Administration

glog.transactionMediation Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.

By default, transaction mediation is based on the (element name/object GID) of the transaction and any parent objects based on the DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATION between the transaction and its parent type. This mediation can be suppressed. Additional or alternate mediation can be added by adding a mediation plugin for a given element.

Note: Changes to mediation logic should not be made unless directed by OTM support.


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Specifies the Java class implementing the mediation interface.

Replacing default mediation with a custom plug-in requires a Java class that implements an internal OTM interface. Generally, these are internal to Oracle. Plugins are specified by properties of the form:

    glog.transactionMediation.class.<element name>=<plugin class>

where <element name> is the XML element tag and <plugin class> is a fully-qualified Java class implementing the mediation interface.



Allows you to suppress the default mediation for an XML element.

For example, set

 glog.transactionMediation.ignoreInterface.<element name> = true.

where <element name> matches the XML element tag. E.g.

  glog.transactionMediation.ignoreInterface.ActualShipment = true

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