Configuration and Administration

gtm.licenseDetermination Properties

To control the behavior of Global Trade Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.

These properties are used to sort the display of licenses on the Assign License Show Options screen for ease of viewing and selecting.


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When the value of the property is GtmLicense:expirationDate,GtmLicenseLine:licenseLineGid, expiration date of the licenses is given priority in sorting them. However, if the expiration date is same for some licenses, then they will be sorted based on the License Line ID.

If the value of the property is set to GtmLicenseLine:licenseLineGid,
GtmLicense:expirationDate, then License Line ID is given priority in sorting the licenses. However, if the License Line ID is same for some licenses, then they will be sorted based on the expiration date.

Default: GtmLicense:expirationDate,GtmLicenseLine:licenseLineGid

Note: You can configure the property by using other column names from the GTM_LICENSE and GTM_LICENSE_LINE tables. The format should be GtmLicense:<column name without underscores> or GtmLicenseLine:<column name without underscores>.



This property determines the sorting order (ascending or descending) of the licenses. The values the property can take up are 'asc' or 'desc'.



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