Business Process Automation

Threshold Profile

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Threshold Profile.

A threshold profile is a collection of thresholds; however, a threshold profile may have only one threshold for each business object. When a threshold profile is active, only the thresholds that are part of that profile are active.

Defining a Threshold Profile:

  1. Enter a unique Threshold Profile ID.
  2. Optionally record a Threshold Profile Name for informational purposes.
  3. Select the Domain Name in which to store the profile or leave the default.
  4. Select the Active check box to activate the threshold profile.

    Note: You can have only one active threshold profile per domain. If you define multiple active threshold profiles, Oracle Transportation Management uses the first one it encounters in the database.

  5. Select a Threshold ID to include in the profile and click Save. Repeat this step to include as many Threshold IDs as you want. However, remember that the thresholds that you include should be for different business objects.
  6. Click Finished.

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