Configuration and Administration

Configure Workbench User Access

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access. In the User Access Type field, select the option Workbench. Click Edit User Access. The Workbench page opens.

By default, a user has access to all workbench layouts in any domains to which they are granted access via domain grants. You can limit access to enhanced workbench layouts based on the available access options described below.

If you have Administrative Level privileges, you can assign access to a workbench for the current domain, a specific user, or to all users of a particular level.

  1. Select the Prevent Access Changes check box to specify the final level for access configuration.
  2. Use the Include... or Exclude... options to define the type of inheritance that you want for the object.
  3. Choose the objects to include or exclude.
  4. If you select Exclude all layouts except the following, you see a View Only check box. If you select View Only, Workbench Designer or Enhanced Workbench displays the layout in view only mode and the Edit and Delete buttons are disabled.
  5. Click Finished.

Note: Log out and log back in after access configuration changes are made.

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