Configuration and Administration

Enhanced Workbench Layout Messages

Select the Enhanced Workbench Layout Messages icon Layout Messages icon to open the Layout Messages pop-up which displays messages generated by the open workbench layout. You can use these messages to troubleshoot problems with your layout. In the Layout Messages pop-up you can see messages, search for messages, filter the messages, set the logging level, etc.

The Layout Messages pop-up contains the layout message and information about the message:

  • Date: Displays the date and time at which the message occurred. This will be the server date and time.
  • Level: Displays the log level set by the Quick Filters or the Settings icon.
  • Component: Displays the Workbench component to which the message applies.
  • Region: The name of the region as specified on the Workbench tab.
  • Duration: Time taken for the REST API to complete.
  • Message: Displays the message generated by the Workbench.

Note: To capture additional messages, you can turn on the following Log IDs: Workbench and WorkbenchDetails.

Filtering Messages

You can filter the messages in a variety of ways. You can filter messages using either the QUICK FILTERS or the Filters in the Settings section.

Quick Filters

Click one of the following QUICK FILTERS buttons to either limit or expand the messages shown in the message table.

  • ERROR:
  • WARN: includes both ERROR and WARN. This is the default log setting.
  • INFO: includes ERROR, WARN, INFO
  • DEBUG (FINEST): all of the above

Settings and Filters

Click Settings iconSettings to view the Settings and Filters sections.


In the Settings section, you can configure the level of logging. Use the slider to turn on/off the logging and to control the amount of logging captured for the enhanced workbench. Available log levels are listed above under Quick Filters.


In the Filters section, you can select a workbench component by which to filter the messages. For example, if you select the MAP check box you only see messages for map components in the open layout.

Exporting Messages

Click Export to copy the contents of the layout messages to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Clearing Messages

Click Clear to remove all messages from the pop-up.

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