Configuration and Administration

Optional Features

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Property Management > Optional Features.

Note: Only the DBA.ADMIN user can access and use the Optional Features page.

Note: The latest optional feature is Optional until dates are maintained in the What’s New. The values in the application UI are valid as of the release, but they may be revised in a later release. Always check the What’s New for the latest Optional Until dates.

You can search and view details for an optional feature using this page. Features that are optional in this release will not be optional in the future. The Optional Until field indicates the release where the features will no longer be optional.

Since optional features are often implemented with properties, they could have overlapping properties. I.e., one optional feature can override the property set by another optional feature. In this case, it's important to assign a precedence value to the features so you know which one takes precedence over the other by using the Precedence field.

Any time you enable or disable an Optional Feature, you are prompted for a reason for the change. This acts as a log of the last change. If you see a Reason on the screen, it means the default state of the feature was changed by a user and the reason holds the justification.

Select features and choose to Opt In or Opt Out of them, and any feature that depends on them. Do so to evaluate them so you are ready to use them when they are no longer optional.

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