Content Use Cases

There are a number of use cases in Oracle Transportation Management where content is brought into the service. To fully secure the cloud service, any external content is virus checked before being persisted, displayed or processed by Oracle Transportation Management. The following table describes the content use cases in Oracle Transportation Management.

Content Use Cases

Use Case Description Enabled by Default
BrandingThemeUpdate Updating a branding theme yes
BrandingImagesUpload Uploading branding images yes
ContainerOptimization A container optimization problem staged as XML yes
CSVContent CSV content sent in a <CSVDataLoad> or <CSVFileContent> integration transaction yes
CSVTargets CSV content for TI targets yes
DBXML DB XML Integration yes
DiagnosticsLog Planning diagnostic load import yes
DocumentIntegration Binary or text content sent in a <Document> integration transaction yes
DocumentStorage Retrieving document content from a CMS (e.g. WCC or Sharepoint) no
DocumentUpload Uploading document content via the document finder or manager yes
IntegrationPost Uploading integration csv files. yes
MessageIntegration Mobilcomm message content sent in via a web service no
MigrationProjectUpload Uploading a migration project zip file yes
OutXmlTemplate Uploading an Out XML Template yes
ProcurementAttachment Attachments uploaded as part of procurement bidding yes
ProcurementBid Carrier response data for procurement yes
ReportExternal Retrieving report content from an external server other than BI Publisher yes
ReportExternalBIPublisher Retrieving report content from a BI Publisher server no
StylesheetContent Uploading stylesheet content for notification yes

Transmission content sent in through the following integration methods:

HTTP POST (i.e. DirLoadServlet, WMServlet, TransmissionReceiver)

Web Service (i.e. IntXmlService, WMService)
