Downloading the Zip Files

Based on the URLs provided in the status document, GTM downloads the zipped folders. The zipped folders should contain the following files with raw data provided by the content provider.

Files for Restricted Party

  • SOURCE: The zipped folders for restricted party must contain a single file with the word "SOURCE" in the file name. This file will contain details of all the restricted parties.

Files for Product Classification

  • MASTER: This must be present in the zipped folder for all the classification code downloads with raw data provided by the content provider. The file name must contain the word "MASTER". This file will contain the details of the classification codes.
  • PARTS: This must be present in the zipped folder for all the classification code downloads with raw data provided by the content provider. The file name must contain the word "PARTS". This will contain the parent classification of any classification code.
  • UOM: This file should be present for HTS, HSN-EX, and Schedule B download. The file name must contain the word "UOM". This will contain the Units of Measure (UOM) details for each classification code.
  • ATTRIBUTES: This file should be present for HTS, HSN-EX, Schedule B, ECCN, and ML download. The file name must contain the word "ATTRIBUTES". This will contain the parent classification of any classification code.

Files for Tariff Details

  • TRADE_PROGRAM_TYPES: This file should be present for HTS download. The file name must contain the words "TRADE_PROGRAM_TYPE_DESCRIPTION". This will contain the trade program types.
  • TRADE_PROGRAM: This file should be present for HTS download. The file name must contain the words "IS_DEFAULT_TRADE_PROGRAM". This will contain the trade programs related to a classification type.
  • TARIFF_COUNTRIES: This file should be present for HTS download. The file name must contain the words "ORIGIN_COUNTRY_CD". This will contain the countries included or excluded for rate calculation.
  • TARIFF_RATE: This file should be present for HTS download. The file name must contain the words "ADDVALOREM_RATE". This will contain the tariff rates related to a particular classification code.
  • TRADE_AGREEMENTS: This file should be present for HTS download. The file must contain the words "fta_name". This contains all the trade agreements irrespective of the HTS country.

Files for Rules of Origin

  • ROO_HEADER: This file should be present for ROO download. The file must contain the words "version_number". This will contain the rules of origin details.
  • ROO_PSRULES: This file should be present for ROO download. The file must contain the words "suffix". This contains the product specific rules of a particular rules of origin.
  • ROO_PSRULE_CODES: This file should be present for ROO download. The file must contain the words "operator". This contains the product specific rule codes of a particular rules of origin.
  • ROO_PSRULE_CODE_DESCS: This file should be present for ROO download. The file must contain the words "text". This contains the descriptions of a particular product specific rule code for different languages.
  • ROO_BASE_RULES: This file should be present for ROO download. The file must contain the words "base_rule_type_name". This contains the base rules of a particular rules of origin.
  • ROO_TRADE_AGREEMENTS: This file should be present for ROO download. The file must contain the words "fta_name". This contains all the trade agreements irrespective of the rules of origin.
  • ROO_TRADEAGREEMENTS_PARTNERS: This file should be present for ROO download. The file must contain the words "iso_country_cd". This contains all the partners related to the trade agreement mentioned in the ROO_HEADER file.