Restricted Party Data Mapping

The restricted party data is saved in GTM_DENIED_PARTY table. The following table gives the data saved to the GTM_DENIED_PARTY table.

Restricted Party Data Mapping

Content Provider Element GTM Element Description



Denied Party ID is a concatenation of Data_Version_ ID+’_’+IDNum.

This is the only mandatory element to create denied party data in GTM.

Eg: If the new data version ID is 12332 and IDnum is 3242, the denied party ID would be 12332_3242

FirstName FIRST_NAME First Name of the denied party
LastName LAST_NAME Last Name of the denied party
CompanyName COMPANY_NAME Company Name of the denied party
Address ADDRESS_LINE_1 Address of the denied party
City CITY City
State PROVINCE State/Province
CountryName COUNTRY Country Name

Country Code


ZipCode POSTAL_CODE Postal Code
StartDate EFFECTIVE_DATE Effective Date of denied party
EndDate EXPIRATION_DATE Expiration Date of denied party
Code AGENCY_CODE Agency Code
LastUpdated ENTRY_DATE Last updated date of denied party
IDNUM ENTRY_ID Unique ID of the denied party from the content provider
Vol1 RULING_VOLUME Volume in which the denied party appears in federal regulations
Page1 RULING_PAGE_NUMBER Page Number on which the denied party appears in federal regulations
FedDate1 FEDERAL_REGULATION_DATE Date on which the denied party was added to federal regulations
Notes NOTES Additional Information regarding denied party
url FEDERAL_REGULATION_URL URL link to the federal regulations
Note: CountryCode is preferred to CountryName as it speeds up the restricted party screening process. Using the 2-digit country code is recommended.

The Content Provider must send in each alias as an individual record so that they are also screened against the party records.