External Distance Calculation

You have the ability to interface Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud to any third-party distance engine by connecting Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud as a web service client to the custom web service that adheres to the WSDL interface provided by Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud.

You will need to implement a SOAP based web service by following the steps provides in the Web Service Implementation section and using the Distance Engine WSDL provided in the appendix. Register the newly implemented web-service with Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud by following the steps provided in Configuration section to be able to access the web service to return distance to Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud.


The first step is to ensure if there is a valid External Distance Engine (EDE) defined in Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud. The External Distance Engine has to be defined with a Connection Type as “Webservice (W)”. External Distance Engine (EDE) is the main link between Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud and a custom EDE.

External Distance Engine

Field Value Comments
External Distance ID USER_DEFINED Identifies the EDE.
Connection Type Webservice(W) Defines the type of transport mechanism used.
Implementing Java Class glog.business.rate.ratedistance.external. webservice.client.ExternalDistanceWebServiceClient

(this is automatically populated and field is read only).

Specifies the fully qualified name of the java implementation class, which will link to the external distance engine web service as a client.
External System ID User Defined External system is required for specifying the web service endpoint and the web service operations to invoke.

In the External Distance Engine, you can specify the information that will be passed from Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud into the invocation of the external distance web service via parameters and are mapped via the edeParams variable in the interface. Using the lower half of the Power Data page, you can define a set of parameters like source address type, destination address type and other parameters.

External Distance Engine Parameters

Parameter Value Country Code Comments
User Defined User Defined

User Defined

* for all countries

These parameters will be available to the Web Services and can be used for program control and/or data.