Business Process Automation

Tracking Event Agent Actions

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.

If you select TRACKING EVENT in the Agent Type field and do not select anything in the Data Type Association field, the agent actions listed here are available.

To use agent actions from other agent types (business objects), select the appropriate data type association. By selecting a data type association, an automation agent of one agent type (business object) can run related agent actions of a different agent type (business object). For example, an automation agent with a shipment agent type can run agent actions available for the order release agent type. To do this, select a data type association of SHIPMENT TO ORDER RELEASE. See the actions topic for more details.

Time Zone Detail for Matching Actions

For the match actions MATCH SHIPMENT and LEGACY SHIPMENT MATCHING, the time zone of the event is derived for stop information based on the following hierarchy:

  1. Time zone explicitly specified with the event date time
  2. The stop's time zone information is provided with the event
  3. Derived time zone from the location of the event
  4. Derived time zone from the stop location of the event
  5. Server time zone

The rest of the match actions (listed below) use this hierarchy:

  1. Time zone explicitly specified with the event date time
  2. Server time zone
    • Match Demurrage Transaction
    • Match Document
    • Match Driver
    • Match Equipment
    • Match Object By Tracking Number
    • Match Order Base
    • Match Order Release
    • Match Power Unit



Add Document To

See the Add Document action. Allows you to link/copy a document from a specific business object to another business object. For example, you link/copy a document on a tracking event to its corresponding shipment stop. See Utility Agent Actions for details on limits imposed upon this agent action to prevent performance issues.


Associated Object

Create As: Link or Copy

Saved Query ID

Ad Hoc Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Ad Hoc Notify Contact.

Assign Variable

This is a utility agent action. See Assign Variable.

Calc Ahead/Late and Persist

This calculates the ahead (early) or late time and persists the actual or estimated arrival or departure time to the shipment stop. The action works with the event type and based on the event type, the following calculations are done.




Event Type: INGATE

  • Takes actual arrival from event.
  • Takes planned arrival, shipment and location based on the event SPLC code.
  • Calculates Ahead/Late time as Actual Arrival - Planned Arrival.
  • Updates actual arrival on the shipment stop (on the location obtained from SPLC).


  • Takes actual departure from event.
  • Takes planned departure, shipment and location based on the event SPLC code.
  • Calculates Ahead/Late time as Actual Departure - Planned Departure.
  • Updates actual departure on the shipment stop (on the location obtained from SPLC).

Event Type: IN-TRANSIT

  • Takes estimated arrival from car destination ETA on event.
  • Takes planned arrival, shipment and location based on the car destination SPLC code.
  • Calculates Ahead/Late time as Estimated Arrival - Planned Arrival.
  • Updates estimated arrival on shipment stop (on the location obtained from car destination SPLC).
  • This is the only action that updates the Estimated Time as the event happens between stops.
  • Notably, the most important point is that the stop is found based on the SPLC code and for Rule-11, this will find the last stop in the rail chain or shipments. The event may be associated with a prior shipment, but the ETA will update the last shipment.


  • Takes actual arrival from event.
  • Takes planned arrival, shipment and location based on the car destination SPLC code.
  • Calculates Ahead/Late time as Actual Arrival - Planned Arrival.
  • Updates actual arrival on shipment stop (on the location obtained from car destination SPLC).

Event Type: OUTGATE

  • Takes actual departure from event.
  • Takes planned departure, shipment and location based on the car destination SPLC code.
  • Calculates Ahead/Late time as Actual Departure - Planned Departure.
  • Updates actual departure on shipment stop (on the location obtained from car destination SPLC).


  • Takes actual arrival from event.
  • Takes planned arrival based on shipment GID and location obtained.
  • Calculates Ahead Late time as Actual Arrival - Planned Arrival.
  • Updates actual arrival on shipment stop.


  • Takes actual departure from event.
  • Takes planned departure based on shipment GID and location obtained.
  • Calculates Ahead Late time as Actual Departure - Planned Departure.
  • Updates actual departure on shipment stop.


  • Takes actual arrival from event.
  • Takes planned arrival based on shipment GID and location obtained.
  • Calculates Ahead Late time as Actual Arrival - Planned Arrival.
  • Updates actual arrival on shipment stop.

Calculate Event Distance from Shipment Stops

Use this agent action to estimate distance:

  • From shipment source location to the event location, result is assigned to an agent variable 'EVENT_DIST_FROM_SHIP_SOURCE'.

  • From event location to shipment destination location, result is added to an agent variable 'EVENT_DIST_FROM_SHIP_DEST'.  

For distance estimation, the tracking event should be matched to shipment either by providing the shipment ID or by using the Match Shipment agent action. Latitude/longitude must be present for both source and destination location and the tracking event should have the latitude and longitude of location where the event has occurred. The distance returned will be miles.

Instead of the PL/SQL function call, you can now get the estimated distance from one of the above variables.

So if you use the below query to know if the location of event is close to the source or destination of the shipment or out of certain range, you will have to change this to use the agent variables saved query. That is, select nvl((select 1 from dual where glogowner.gpoint.estimate_distance($src_lat, $src_long, $ies_lat, $ies_long) <= 1.5),2) from dual;

needs to be changed to

select nvl((select 1 from dual where to_number($EVENT_DIST_FROM_SHIP_SOURCE) <= 1.5),2) from dual;

So assigning variables to get the latitude/longitude of source and destination stops of the shipments is not required. Also, you don't need to call the PL/SQL function to get the estimated distance.

Call Service

This is a utility agent action. See Call Service.

Copy Flexfields To

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Flexfields To.

Copy Remarks from Tracking Event

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Remarks from <object>.

Copy Remarks to Tracking Event

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Remarks to <object>.

Create/Update Demurrage Transaction

Creates or updates demurrage transactions by copying relevant information from the tracking event to the demurrage transaction. For each equipment on the tracking event, a unique demurrage transaction is created/updated by this action. If there is an existing demurrage transaction, it will be updated. If there is not an existing transaction, a new one will be created.


1 - Use Event Status Code as: Options are:Start Event Status Code, End Event Status Code.

Typically, Constructive Placement or Actual Placement would start the event status code; a release would end it.

2 - Use Event Location as Constructive Placement Location: If selected (true), it updates the tracking event location information as constructive placement location information on demurrage transaction.

3 - Use Demurrage Location as: Determines which tracking event location details are used to update the demurrage transaction location. Options are Event Car Destination Location, Event Location

4 - Use Event Matched Shipment ID as:

a) Inbound – Indicates if the matched shipment ID against this tracking event should be considered as Inbound Shipment for demurrage transaction. Accordingly, the inbound shipment information is updated on the demurrage transaction.

b) Outbound – Indicates if the matched shipment ID against this tracking event should be considered as Outbound Shipment for demurrage transaction. Accordingly, the outbound shipment information is updated on the demurrage transaction.

c) Empty – It implies that no shipment information on tracking event is considered for updating the demurrage transaction.

Inbound or Outbound Shipment ID is determined based on the link between tracking event and shipment. Hence it is suggested that Match Shipment action is used before triggering this agent action.

5 - Save Event Detail (for Reports) in: Populates denormalized event details in one of the ten pairs (event status code + event date) of event detail fields that is available in the demurrage transaction table. This enables you to add universal fields that are not specifically defined in the user interface and then mapping them to a report. The report can then look at that column and not need a query to get the extra fields.

This parameter maybe added using any of the pairs of fields to store the current event status code and event date depending on how your report is configured. 

Create Equipment

Creates new equipment records based on the equipment details on the tracking event object.

For each of these equipment details on the tracking event, if the equipment detail has no corresponding equipment in Oracle Transportation Management, this agent action does the following:

  1. A new equipment record is created for it based on the matching fields present on the tracking event-equipment details.

  2. The equipment_gid of the newly created record is updated in the tracking event-equipment detail as the refnum value for refnumQual - 'GLOG'

  3. A new record is added to the tracking event and equipment link table.

Create Location

Creates a new location using the location information in the tracking event. Then it updates the tracking event with the newly created location. The location ID is generated using the business number type of LOCATION_XID_WITH_CORP.


Corporation ID

Location Role

Direct SQL Update

This is a utility agent action. See Direct SQL Update.

Dont Persist

This is a utility agent action. See Dont Persist.


This is a utility agent action. See Else.


This is a utility agent action. See Elseif.


This is a utility agent action. See Endfor.


This is a utility agent action. See Endif.


This is a utility agent action. See EndLock.

Estimate Distance

This is a utility agent action. See Estimate Distance.

Estimate Recovery Time

With this agent, OTM calculates the estimated departure time based on the actual/estimated arrival time. It then updates the shipment stop estimated departure time and the shipment end time. These times will be used later in the re-drive downstream shipment agent action.

When one of the two rush hour methods is used, the shipment stop departure time is determined by adding the time found from the rush hour data to the shipment stop arrival time. These methods might be used to model time spent at the stop when that time would vary based upon time of day and day of week.


Use Rush Hour For Ingate: For the "Use Rush Hour For Ingate" option, OTM does not use the SPLC to find the shipment stop. Instead, it uses the shipment and stop information explicitly provided on the tracking event.

The “Use Rush Hour for Ingate” calculation method will look for rush hour entries that have a lane of location to location where both locations are the stop location of the in-gate event. Only rush hour entries that have Apply To Source selected will be considered. Any entry that has a calendar which covers the arrival time at the location will be considered. Of these, the entry with the largest rush hour delay will be used. The rush hour delay will represent the entire time spent at the location. This time will be added to the stop arrival time to determine the new stop departure time.

Use Rush Hour For Recovery: This finds the shipment from the car destination SPLC or event location SPLC. Otherwise, the “Use Rush Hour for Recovery” calculation method will be the same as the ingate method (except it will use the location of the train arrival) and will only look for rush hour entries with Apply To Source unselected.

Use Delta: This finds the shipment from the car destination SPLC or event location SPLC.



This is a utility agent action. See For.

For Each

This is a utility agent action. See For Each.


This is a utility agent action. See If.

Legacy Shipment Group Matching

If your workflow uses shipment group events (which were available in versions of Oracle Transportation Management prior to 6.4.2), you will need to create a single automation agent that includes the Legacy Shipment Group Matching agent action. This agent action allows you to use the shipment group event workflow even though it has been replaced with the tracking event workflow in version 6.4.2.

Note: The Auto Match to Object ID(s) parameter should be set to False when this agent action is used.

This agent action matches the tracking event to a shipment group using the shipment group reference number or the integration saved query. If the tracking event does not match a shipment group, an error is generated. If the tracking event gets matched to a shipment group, a SHIPMENT GROUP STATUS - RECEIVED event is published, thereby triggering other active agents that are listening to this event.

If this agent action is not used, then standard tracking event workflow is used.

Legacy Shipment Matching

If your workflow uses shipment events (which were available in versions of Oracle Transportation Management prior to 6.3), you will need to create a single automation agent that includes the Legacy Shipment Matching agent action. This agent action allows you to use the shipment event workflow even though it has been replaced with the tracking event workflow in version 6.3.

Note: The Auto Match to Object ID(s) parameter should be set to False when this agent action is used.

This agent action matches the tracking event to a shipment using the shipment reference number, shipment equipment number, or the integration saved query. If the tracking event does not match a shipment, an error is generated. If the tracking event gets matched to a shipment, a SHIPMENT STATUS - TRACKING event is published, thereby triggering the public agent SHIPMENT EVENT TRACKER public automation agent (if it is active) or any other agents that are listening to this event.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.

If this agent action is not used, then standard tracking event workflow is used. The tracking event workflow replaces the shipment event workflow in OTM version 6.3.


This is a utility agent action. See Lock.


This is a utility agent action. See Log.

Log to Transmission Report

This is a utility agent action. See Log to Transmission Report.

Mark As Error

Changes the processing status to MARKED AS ERROR and removes all links to the equipment, driver, power unit, shipment, and tracking event.

Match Demurrage Transaction

This matches the tracking event to demurrage transaction based on reporting SCAC, equipment initial/number, destination location and date range and creates a link to the demurrage transaction.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


1-Select Matching Method: Select from a list of pre-defined match algorithms:


This algorithm will be used while processing CLM messages. Car Location Message, a railroad generated message that reports the location of moving rail cars, including flatbeds carrying intermodal units and does not include any of the shipment details. Also, the same algorithm can be used with an EDI message related to an empty asset movement which does not require a shipment. It finds all matching demurrage events filtered by the following criteria

  • Match service provider (matching details are configurable with Match Demurrage Transaction SCAC Fields):
    • Match reporting SCAC on demurrage transaction with railroad reporting SCAC code on tracking event.
    • Match reporting SCAC on demurrage tracking with service provider on tracking event.
  • Match Location (matching details are configurable with Match Demurrage Transaction Location Fields):
    • Match demurrage location (city/state) on demurrage transaction with destination city/state on tracking event
    • Match demurrage location (city/state) on demurrage transaction with event location (city/state) on tracking event.
  • Match Equipment (matching details are configurable with Match Demurrage Transaction Equipment Fields):
    • Use the equipment initial and number fields on event
    • Use equipment ID on event
    • Use equipment refnum on event

2-Time Window Tolerance - Used to narrow down to a set of demurrage transactions created within this time window. This helps eliminate old demurrage transactions (that may have same equipment, location), that you do not want to consider for the match.

Match event time falls between at least one of event time information on a demurrage transaction. A margin is allowed on either side on the window. This window is define as input parameter on agent action.

3-Match Demurrage Transaction Location With -This parameter determines which location details on the Tracking Event the matching is performed with. The tracking event has two types of locations:

  • Event Car Destination Location - this gives the next location for the car
  • Event Location - from which the event is raised

The destination location is necessary for processing the event for constructive placement. During constructive placement, the demurrage location is the actual destination to which the car or equipment is actually going to be placed.

Once the matched demurrage tracking event is identified, OTM will create the link between tracking event, the particular equipment on the tracking event and the demurrage event.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.

Match Document

This action has one matching algorithm - By Tracking Number.

When a document is created for a declaration, a tracking number is generated and inserted into the Document_Tracking_Num column. When the document is transmitted to AES, the tracking number is specified as the control number. When AES sends a response, the response includes the same control number. Thus, via this tracking number/control number, tells us to which document the response is associated.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.

Match Driver

Match and create a link to a driver.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


Matching Method

Saved Query

Maximum Number of Matches

Minimum Number of Matches

Match Equipment

Match and create a link to equipment.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


Matching Method

Saved Query

Maximum Number of Matches

Minimum Number of Matches

Match Object by Tracking Number

This agent action matches shipments, order bases, order releases, order base lines, and so on, that have been tagged with a reference number satisfying the following conditions:

The reference number value is equal to the tracking number field on the event.

The reference number qualifier is equal to the one specified on the agent action.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


Order Base Reference Number Qualifier

Order Base Ship Unit Reference Number Qualifier

Order Base Line Reference Number Qualifier

Order Release Reference Number Qualifier

Order Release Ship Unit Reference Number Qualifier

Order Release Ship Unit Line Reference Number Qualifier

Order Release Line Reference Number Qualifier

Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

Shipment Ship Unit Reference Number Qualifier

Shipment Ship Unit Line Reference Number Qualifier

Maximum Number of Matches

Minimum Number of Matches

Match Order Base

Match and create a link to order base.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


Matching Method

Saved Query

Maximum Number of Matches

Minimum Number of Matches

Match Order Release

Match and create a link to order release.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


Matching Method

Saved Query

Maximum Number of Matches

Minimum Number of Matches

Match Power Unit

Match and create a link to power unit.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


Matching Method

Saved Query

Maximum Number of Matches

Minimum Number of Matches

Match Shipment

Match and create a link to a shipment. When a shipment is successfully matched to an event, event group attributes will be made available as agent variables for the agent actions that are configured to follow after the match.

See also Time Zone Details for Matching Actions.


Matching Method

Saved Query

Maximum Number of Matches

Minimum Number of Matches

Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

Time Window Tolerance

Match Shipment Group

This agent action enables you to identify the shipment groups using various parameters.

When the shipment groups are identified, this agent action raises SHIPMENT GROUP – LINKED TO TRACKING EVENT on the matched shipment groups.


  1. Matching Method: Indicates what data on the tracking event to be used to identify the shipment groups. The values of the matching method are:
    • By Shipment Group: considers shipment group information on the tracking event.
    • By Shipment: considers shipment information on the tracking event.
    • By Order Release: considers order release information on the tracking event.
    • By Order Release Line: considers order release line information on the tracking event.
    • By Saved Query: uses the saved query (shipment group) and identifies the corresponding shipment groups.
  1. Shipment Group Type: Matches shipment groups of the shipment group type you selected using the data provided on the tracking event. For example, if you select the HBL shipment group type, this agent action identifies only those shipment groups of type HBL based on the data provided on the tracking event.
  2. Apply Event to all Related Shipments / Order Release: If you select a value for this field, tracking event will be matched to all the related shipments or order releases in addition to matched shipment groups. For example, if you select Shipments from the drop-down list, this parameter raises SHIPMENT – LINKED TO TRACKING EVENT on buy shipments which are related to matched shipment groups. For sell side shipments, this parameter raises SELL SIDE SHIPMENT – LINKED TO TRACKING EVENT. If you select Order Releases from the drop down list, this parameter raises ORDER – LINKED TO TRACKING EVENT on the matched shipment groups related order releases. The values of this parameter are Blank, Shipments, and Order Releases.
  1. Minimum Number of Matches
  1. Maximum Number of Matches  
  2. Time Window Tolerance: Used to narrow down to a set of shipment groups created within this time window tolerance. This helps eliminate old shipment groups that you do not want to consider for the match. Time window tolerance is applied on the start and end time of the shipment group objects. For example, time window tolerance is set as one day and tracking event date is the current date. This agent action identifiess the shipment groups were the current date falls between shipment group start time -0.5 and shipment group end time +0.5.

Based on the matching method you select, the following additional parameters are added to this agent action.


Matching Method:

Additional Parameters:

Shipment Group Flex Attribute Type: The values are string, number, and date.

Shipment Group Flex Attribute Number: If you select the flex attribute type as string, the values are 1 to 20. For the date or number type, the  values are 1 to 10. For example, if you select shipment group flex attribute type as String, and shipment group flex attribute number as 1 then this agent action matches the shipment groups whose flex field column (ATTRIBUTE1) data matches with the tracking event flex field column (ATTRIBUTE1) data.

Shipment Group Involved Party Qualifier: For example, if you select shipment group involved party qualifier as RESPONSIBLE_PARTY, and the involved parties which has  RESPONSIBLE_PARTY as involved party qualifier with the object type as SHIPMENT GROUP on the tracking event then this agent action identifies the shipment groups which has  RESPONSIBLE_PARTY as involved party qualifier.

Shipment Group Reference Number Qualifier: For example, if you select shipment group reference number qualifier as BATCH_NUMBER, then this agent action identifies the shipment groups which has  BATCH_NUMBER as reference number qualifier and its value must be equal to the reference number qualifier on the tracking event.

  1. By Shipment: Apart from the above parameters, OTM displays the following additional parameters when you select the By Shipment matching method.

Additional Parameters:

Perspective: Matches those shipment groups with the perspective you selected.  

Shipment Flex Attribute Type: The values are string, number, and date.

Shipment Flex Attribute Number: It works similar to shipment group flex attributes but identifies the tracking event flex fields against shipment flex fields and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

Shipment Involved Party Qualifier: It works similar to shipment group involved party qualifier but matches the shipment involved parties on the tracking event against involved parties on shipment and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

Shipment Reference Number Qualifier: It works similar to shipment group reference number qualifier but matches the shipment reference numbers on the tracking event against reference numbers on shipment and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

  1. By Equipment: OTM uses the equipment initial and number fields or the shipment equipment ID on the tracking event; checks against the shipment's equipment data and identifies corresponding shipment groups.

  2. By Order Release: Apart from the above parameters, OTM displays the following additional parameters when you select the By Order Release matching method.

Additional Parameters:

Order Release Attribute Type: The values are string, number, and date.

Order Release Flex Attribute Number: It works similar to shipment group flex attributes but identifies the tracking event flex fields against order release flex fields and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

Order Release Involved Party Qualifier: It works similar to shipment group involved party qualifier but identifies the order release involved parties on the tracking event against involved parties on order release and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

Order Release Reference Number Qualifier: It works similar to shipment group reference number qualifier but identifies the order release reference numbers on the tracking event against reference numbers on order release and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

  1. By Order Release Line: Apart from the above parameters, OTM displays the following additional parameters when you select the By Order Release Line matching method.

Additional Parameters:

Order Release Line Flex Attribute Type: The values are string, number, and date.

Order Release Line Flex Attribute Number: It works similar to shipment group flex attributes but identifies the tracking event flex fields against order release line flex fields and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

Order Release Line Involved Party Qualifier: It works similar to shipment group involved party qualifier but identifies the order release line involved parties on the tracking event against involved parties on order release line and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

Order Release Line Reference Number Qualifier: It works similar to shipment group reference number qualifier but identifies the order release line reference numbers on the tracking event against reference numbers on order release line and then identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

  1. By Saved Query: Apart from the above parameters, OTM displays the following additional parameters when you select the By Saved Query matching method.

Additional Parameters:

Saved Query (Shipment Group): This matching method uses the saved query (shipment group) and identifies the corresponding shipment groups.

Match Tracking Event

Match and create a link to a tracking event.


Matching Method

Saved Query

Maximum Number of Matches (highest valid value =1)

Minimum Number of Matches (highest valid value =1)

Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Contact.


This is a utility agent action. See Persist.

Print Document

This is a utility agent action. See Print Document.

Queue Event

This is a utility agent action. See Queue Event.

Raise Error

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Error.

Raise Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Event.

Raise Internal Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Internal Event.

Re-drive Downstream Shipments

This action will find a shipment from the car destination SPLC or the SPLC from the tracking event. It will then use the end time of the shipment to re-drive shipments that are downstream from this shipment and will update their times accordingly.

This action is dependent on a prior action such as Estimate Recovery Time to update the shipment.

Remove Links

Removes the links from the tracking event to the demurrage event.



Schedule Event

This is a utility agent action. See Schedule Event.

Set Indicator

This is a utility agent action. See Set Indicator.

Send Integration

This is a utility agent action. See Send Integration.

Set Processing Status

Sets the processing status and saves the error code in the agent flow. You should use this agent action after running the matching agent action and before the propagation agent actions before all the matching.


This is a utility agent action. See Stop.

Update Location on Tracking Event

This updates the location on the tracking event, which represents the rail station for a given SPLC or location. This updates the location of either the event location or the car destination location. It derives the station code of a location when only the SPLC code or other location information given, apart from the location ID

This action cannot be used directly. It must be used in conjunction with the utility agent action "Assign Variable" which sets a variable name with the value from the saved query defined in the action.

Additionally, saved queries have been made available as public data for use in the Assign Variable action. They are:

  • RAIL STATION LOCATION BY SPLC - Used for deriving the Event Location ID from Event Location SPLC with role= 'RAIL STATION'
  • DESTINATION RAIL STATION LOCATION BY SPLC - Used for deriving the Event Location ID from Event Location SPLC with role= 'RAIL STATION'


1. Location Type

  • Event Car Destination Location - With this selection, the action updates the value of Location ID variable to Car Destination Location on tracking event screen (Details tab on the screen).
  • Event Location - With this selection, the action updates the value of location ID variable to Event Location on Tracking Event (First tab on the screen).

2. Location ID

This provides the variable to which the Location ID value is set using the action "Assign variable" in which a saved query is used to derive the value of the station using the SPLC code. You need to precede the variable name with a $ symbol to enable the agent to evaluate the value of the variable.

Update Sighting This action is available only when you select the TRACKING EVENT TO SHIPMENT data type association. For more details, see Update Sighting.
Wait This is a utility agent action. See Wait.

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