Business Process Automation

Bill Public Automation Agents

Oracle Transportation Management provides sample automation agents in the PUBLIC domain. It is recommended that all PUBLIC automation agents be deactivated upon installation. You can make copies of these PUBLIC automation agents in non-public domains. In these non-public domains, you can make changes to the sample automation agents so that they fit your business process.

Note: PUBLIC automation agents should never be deleted.

The following PUBLIC automation agents are available for the agent type of BILL.

Issue Parent Bill

This automation agent listens for a status change to ISSUED_ISSUED in a parent bill, and then triggers the CHILD BILL EVENT for each of its child bills.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions

  • Source can either be INTEGRATION or INTERNAL or USER.
  • Status value of BILL_ISSUED must be BILL_ISSUED_ISSUED.

Saved Conditions

None by default. This automation agent should include a saved condition that specifies the financial consolidation type of PARENT or STANDARD.


If this invoice is a parent invoice (Is Parent Invoice returns a true), for each child bill raises the custom event CHILD BILL EVENT.

Issue Child Bill

This automation agent sets the status of a bill to ISSUED when CHILD BILL EVENT is raised for the bill.  This is generally intended to set the BILL_ISSUED status on child bills when the parent bill is issued.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Restrictions: None

Saved Conditions



Set internal status to BILL_ISSUED_ISSUED.

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