Business Process Automation

Bulk Reporting

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Reporting > Bulk Report Generator.

Use bulk reporting to generate many reports, based on saved queries. For example, you can set bulk reports to run late and night to print all of the bill of ladings that came in that day. Bulk reporting only works with transactional reports. Transactional reports are reports with one required parameter for a business object, such as Shipment.

Bulk Reporting

  1. If you are running cluster scalability, select the cluster on which you want to run the report.
  2. Select a Data Query Type.
  3. Select a Query Name.
  4. Select a Report.

Note: The optional feature "USE REPORT DATABASE FOR BULK REPORT GENERATION" is used to run bulk reports on a designated Report Database.  When the feature is enabled, the application will generate the bulk reports using the database specified in the report. If the feature is disabled, the application will default to using the Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) database for report generation.


Parameters are filters used to limit the range or type of data included in a report or form (for example, a date range). The available parameters vary from report to report.

Note: When entering dates in the From and To fields, select the date from calendar. Using the calendar tool ensures that the date format is the same as the selected user preference date format.

Note: When entering a numeric value, only the equal sign (=) operator works; greater than and less than do not.

Email Addresses

  1. Enter Email Addresses for all persons who should receive the report.
  2. Click Save for each email address you enter.


  1. Enter a Printer.
  2. Enter the Number of Copies.
  3. Enter the Page Ranges.
  4. Click Save for each printer you define.


  1. Select a Storage Method. This selection determines if the generated reports are saved as document attachments to each associated business object. If you select "None", each report is generated for immediate distribution, such as email or printing, and not saved. If you select "Document", a document is attached to the business object containing the report content.
  2. If you select the Multiple Versions check box, business objects can have multiple attachments for the same report. Otherwise older report attachments are replaced with the newly-generated ones. This functionality exists only when the storage method is "Document".


  1. Select a Report Format.

    Note: For reports with a report format of Excel which contain large amounts of data, you may see issues with incorrect column formatting. This issue usually occurs at approximately row 11,290.

  2. Select Execute, Publish, or Schedule to determine when the process will be executed.

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