Shipment Management


This page is accessed via:

  • Ask Oracle > Airports
  • Shipment Management > Ask Oracle > Airports

The Airports query provides basic information about airports around the world. The information provided includes:

  • The airport name, its code, address, telephone number, fax, and internet address.
  • Contact information such as a person's name, job title, telephone, fax, email, internet, language, and other notes.

Asking Oracle about Airports

  1. Specify one or more search parameters.
  2. Click Ask Oracle to Find Airports.


The Airport Results page lists one or more airports and their parameters.

  • To sort the results, select Sort By parameters, and click Sort.
  • To view more details of an airport, click the Airport ID.
  • To view the identified contacts for the airport, as well as contact information such as job title, telephone number, email address, click Airport Contacts after you click the Airport ID.

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