Contract and Rate Management

Rate Inquiry Results

Note: Rate inquiry results may not match the results of the planning actions. The planning actions have additional logic and consider different information such as intineraries, equiment, etc.

After running a rate inquiry, the results page opens. The Ask Oracle About Rates results page lists all rates that match the criteria from your search, which may include rates that do not meet the requested service time. The requested service time is calculated according to the dates and times you enter in the Date Available By and Date Deliver By fields.

If you ran a Rate and Route inquiry or a Network Rate and Route inquiry, this page displays itineraries along with their costs and other details. If the itinerary does not have a primary leg, the details for the first leg will be shown.

Note: For air rates, Oracle Transportation Management looks for known shippers by default and therefore returns cargo as well as passenger flights.

Rates that meet the service time requirement are listed first on the results page, from the least expensive rate to the most expensive. If the costs are the same, then it is sorted by the transit time. Then, infeasible rates (those that exceed the service time requirement) are listed. You may want to consider an infeasible rate if the cost is cheaper and your service time requirements are flexible.

One rate is sometimes considered the optimal choice. This is the cheapest rate that meets the service time requirement. If no rates meet the service time requirement, none appear as optimal.

If there are multiple rate records under the same rate offering which match your query, Oracle Transportation Management will evaluate the rate record which has the most specific geo hierarchy. If the geo hierarchies are the same but the equipment group or rate service IDs are different on these two rate records, Oracle Transportation Management will evaluate and return rates for both rate records. This behavior is the same when a shipment is built and in Rate Inquiry.

Note: You can change the results display using the Manager Layout.

Normalize Per Result

You can configure rate inquiry results by "PER" costs. This allows options with flat rates to be compared with variable rates. The "PER" costs are virtual. For example, if you buy dried beans, you would want to count the number of beans (5000) that you are buying and pay based on a charge ($50) per 1000 beans. Instead you could weigh them and pay by kilo. Normal Total Cost would be $250 (i.e., $50 * 5000/1000) and "PER" result could be $100 PER KILO (i.e., $250/2.0 KILO) provided 2500 dried beans make up to 1 KILO.

Cost PER <UOM> = Total Cost / Quantity in Weight or Volume UOM
Cost PER KILO ($100) = $250 / 2.0 KILO

To see the "PER" costs, you must set the RIQ UI Per Result UOM Type on the Logic Configuration Rate Inquiry UI Configuration page. The UOM to use is set on the same page using either of the following: RIQ UI Per Result Volume UOM, and RIQ UI Per Result Weight UOM. The sorting is based on RIQ UI Sort By. Then you will see a column such as "Total Cost by Ton".

Note: There is an assumption that the load is a full load. You must set up rate inquiry with the correct quantities or your results may be wrong.

Weighted and Actual Cost

You can see the Rate Inquiry (including Rate and Route) results sorted based on the Weighted Cost or Actual Cost field if required based on the parameter value set in Logic Configuration - RIQ Logic Configuration UI. The parameter is 'RIQ UI SORT BY'. You can drill down for either to see cost details.

Cost Detail

If you click on a value in the Cost field, a Cost Detail page appears. This page outlines the base cost and the additional cost of any accessorials or special services you specified on the Search page. Use this detail to verify that the cost is being calculated correctly, and to view a breakdown of the charges that may be applied to this shipment.

A Details column appears on this page if you turn on the Parameter: Rating Engine Stores Detailed Cost Information.

This column presents a breakdown of the calculations for each individual rate cost. It appears as a text description of how a cost type was calculated based on the configuration of the rate that was used to plan the shipment.

Note: No details are provided prior to the activation of this parameter.

Secondary Charges

You can view secondary charges in Rate Inquiry results if you have the logic configuration - Rate Inquiry UI Configuration parameter 'RIQ UI Create Secondary Charges' set to true. If true:

  • secondary charges will be included in the total actual cost and total weighted cost.

  • a column 'Type" will be visible (only visible when the parameter is true). It displays 'SC' when the option is secondary charge. Otherwise, it will be blank.

  • secondary charges will display immediately after their related shipments.

Equipment Group

If you entered an equipment group ID in your query, Oracle Transportation Management only returns rates compatible with that equipment group. So, rates that are specifically defined for an equipment group in the profile and rates that are indifferent to the equipment group. Also, if the rate inquiry involves locations with an equipment group profile the same logic applies.  

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