Business Process Automation

Integration Event Queue Actions and SmartLinks

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Integration > Data Queues. Then click Search. When the results are returned, right-click on the name of a data queue to open SmartLinks. Then select All Events.

Click Actions at the top of the queue event page to launch any of the following actions.

Note that the page title changes depending on the data queue selected.




Cancels one or more queued or pending events. Prompts for a reason for the cancel and adds an exception record to each cancelled event.

Preempt Event

Moves one or more events to the front of the queue. This action is only supported for queues with a preemptive poller.

Resubmit Event

Re-queues one or more failed, cancelled, or processed events. Prompts for a reason for the re-submission and adds an exception record to each re-submitted event. You may also schedule the re-submitted event by specifying a process time. This time is only honored by queues with a scheduled poller.


Right-click on any ID to launch any of the following SmartLinks.




Links to the log viewer to show any logging during event execution.

View Exceptions

Shows a history of exceptions for the event stemming from execution errors, cancellation requests and/or re-submit requests.

View Related Events

Displays a tree of events queued as a result of this events execution. By clicking on a related event, you can navigate to a specific event result and view its details, log, and exception.

View All Related Shipment Events

Displays all visibility events for the shipment of the current event. This action is only available for Visibility Queues


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