Business Process Automation

Migration Project

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Migration Project Management > Migration Projects.

A migration project allows you to migrate data from a source system to a target system to, for example, take client-specific configuration information created in a test system and copy it to a live system. You can set up a test system to have client-defined items such as screen sets, menus, rates, service providers, and locations. To copy the test information to a live system, create a migration project that refers to all your data, and then export the project to create a migration package which contains the data. Then sign into your live system and import the migration package to load the data there.

For example, you create a migration project called "UI Configuration". The intent of this project is to capture all screen sets, manager layouts, and menus for certain types of users, and then export them to be used in a live environment. When you define the migration project, you populate it with migration object groups. A migration object group defines one type of object to migrate, such as a user menu. When you define a migration object group, you select a screen set to define the object type, such as USER_MENU_LAYOUT. Then add specific user menu layout object IDs to the group. Once you defined a migration object group, you can create more for each type of object you wish to export, such as manager layouts. Once you have fully defined a migration project, you export it which will create a migration package (a ZIP file containing all the exported data). The package can then be copied to the target system and imported there.

The sequence of exporting and importing groups is important due to the relationships between certain database tables. This sequence is managed by the application by default although the mechanism exists to override this default logic (see Manual Sequencing below). Certain cases exist where you need to manually override the order. For a list of these scenarios, see the Manual Sequencing section of the Data Management Guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Adding a Migration Project

  1. Enter a Migration Project ID.
  2. Enter a Project Name.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Select a Domain Name.
  5. Select a Project Type. Export projects allow you to take data from the current system and export it to be used in other systems. That way you can pilot configurations in a test system and then export them for use in a live system. Import projects are generally only created when a migration package is imported into a system. It is possible to create an Import project purely to create the GID that will be specified on the import command.
  6. Select the Manual Sequencing check box if manual control over the order of processing groups is required. Sequencing is important because some records must be processed before others. For example, Location Role must be added before Location. In most cases you will not have to manually sequence your migration objects. Selecting this check box enables icons for manipulating and inserting screen sets at the position you want in the grid at the bottom of the page. Certain cases exist where you need to manually override the order. For a list of these scenarios, see the Manual Sequencing section of the Data Management Guide on the Oracle Help Center for more details.
  7. The Commit Scope drop down allows you to treat a group of objects as one unit of work. When you select "Object ID", the different objects are handled separately. When you select "Group", the distinct objects are treated as one unit of work. For example, a migration might contain a new set of agents which are all required for the new business logic to work. You want them all to succeed or all to fail so this would be when you would mark the group of agents as committed as a "group". If you committed each individual agent, you might save one for the Shipment type but not the other for the Order type and so the complete workflow wouldn't be in place.
  8. When the Refresh Cache check box is selected, any objected created or updated by a Project Import will refresh any associated cache. For example, creating a new agent will result in the agent subscribing to its events and so will be triggered when expected.
  9. If the Raise Lifetime Event check box is selected, then any object created, updated, or removed by a Project Import will trigger the "xxx - CREATED", "xxx - MODIFIED" and "xxx - REMOVED" events (where type "xxx" already supports lifetime events) and process any subscribing agent workflow. These events will be raised with the new "MIGRATION" data source and so to trigger agents this data source has to be selected as one of the options (e.g. in addition to INTEGRATION, USER, INTERNAL).
  10. Click the Add icon (Add icon) in the grid header to add screen sets to the project. The Migration Project Object Group page opens. Use that page to add screen sets. When you have selected the Manual Sequencing check box, this record is inserted at the top of the list. If you have not selected the Manual Sequencing check box, the new rows are inserted at the end of the list. OTM optimizes sequence for non-manual sequenced projects when you save the project, so the order may change.
  11. If you have selected the Manual Sequencing check box then you have the ability to control the order. The Move Up icon (Move Up icon) will move any records that you have selected, while the Move Down icon (Move Down icon) will move selected records down. Rows at the top or bottom of the list will wrap around to the other end of the list when moved. For example if you try and move the first record up, it will shift to be the last item on the list.

    When moving multiple rows up that are not consecutive in the grid, they will all be moved towards the top row. Assume the rows are A, B, C, D, E, and F. You select A, B, C, and E, and then click the Move Up icon. The new order will be B, C, E, D, F, A. Row A was at the top, so it wraps around to the bottom when it moves up. Rows B and C move up accordingly. Rows E and D swap places since E moved up and D did not. Row F is no longer last, since row A wrapped around to the bottom when it was moved up.

    Additionally, you can insert rows by clicking the Add icon on the row. Doing so inserts a row after the row with the Add icon.

    You can edit or delete individual rows by clicking the Edit icon or the Delete icon respectively.
  12. Click Finished.

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