Operational Planning

Rate Offerings and Rate Records in Bulk Planning

Bulk plan takes several constraints from rate offerings. Rate offerings contain the contract level data specific to a service provider. Rate offerings are defined for a service provider and a mode. Rate offerings are also defined for a set of equipment groups. A rate service is associated with a rate offering and it defines how the times on the shipments are calculated.

In OTM, a lane connects two different geographies or regions. Rate records store detailed rate information at the individual lane level. A rate offering can contain several rate records defined for various lanes. There are several constraints that can be applied at the rate record level as well. These constraints are:

  • Minimum and Maximum Number of Stops
  • Maximum Number of Pickup Stops
  • Maximum Number of Delivery Stops
  • Maximum Circuity Distance
  • Maximum Circuity Distance Percent

Performance Tip: Rating is the last step performed during the shipment creation in bulk plan. There are several time consuming steps such as sequencing that are performed prior to rating. If you know that a particular lane does not support more than 3 stops no matter what, place the max stops constraints at a high level such as on the itinerary or itinerary leg so that some computational time can be saved.

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