Contract and Rate Management

Creating Rates for Zones

This procedure shows you how to create rates for zones.

In this scenario, you want to create a rate for a country with a number of regions. Each region has a flat cost associated with it. A multi-stop shipment would be charged the highest of the costs out of the regions the shipment stops in.


The following must all be defined before continuing:

  • service providers
  • locations
  • corporations
  • contacts
  • rate service, rate version etc.

Note: If a new rate using zone profile is added or the existing rate using zone profile is updated or removed, make sure to clear the RateRecordsWithZoneProfilesCache and PreferredRatesWithZoneProfilesCache caches manually.


Note that these steps assume you know how to create a rate offering and rate record already.


Create regions that match the locations and zones you want to rate against.

Region Group

Create a region group that includes all regions in a specific rate offering (contract). For example, all regions in a country.

Rate Unit Break Profile

  1. Create a Rate Unit Break Profile.
  2. Select a Lookup Type of Lookup Exact Value.
  3. Select a Data Type of STRING.
  4. Enter whatever Rate Unit Break ID you like.
  5. Enter all your Region GIDs in the Break Max field. That is, use the format domain.regionXid. For example, ACME.PARIS.

Rate Offering

  1. Create a rate offering.
  2. Enter all information relevant to your contract and be sure to:
    1. Select your Region Group ID.
    2. Select a Source and Destination Geo Hierarchy that makes sense to your region group. In this scenario it is country to country.
  3. Save the rate offering.

Rate Record

  1. Create a rate record based on your newly created rate offering.
  2. Define your rate cost.
  3. In the cost Basis drop-down list, select SHIPMENT. This makes Oracle Transportation Management calculate a cost per shipment. You should not enter an amount, since Oracle Transportation Management will look that up in your rate unit break profile instead.
  4. Select the rate unit break profile you created previously. Make sure the check box next to Rate Unit Break Profile ID is marked.
  5. Enter a Charge Amount for each region you defined in your rate unit break profile. This is the flat cost for the zone.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Select Greatest Individual Cost as your Charge Multiplier Option. This makes Oracle Transportation Management only charge for the highest of the costs.
  8. Select SHIPMENT.STOPS.REGION as your Charge Break Comparator. This makes Oracle Transportation Management match the region GIDs for each stop to the region GIDs in your rate unit break profile.
  9. Save your rate cost.
  10. Save your rate record.

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