Configuration and Administration

Assigning a Screen Set or Workbench to a Menu

After you create a screen set or workbench layout, you will want to include it on a menu and make it available to users. Add the new screen set or workbench layout to one of the default menus provided or create your own menu.

Assigning a Screen Set or Workbench Layout to a Menu

  1. Go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager.
  2. Edit an existing menu or create a new menu.
  3. Select the menu under which the user-defined screen set is to appear, and click the New (New icon) icon.
  4. Select the Type of "Link".
  5. Click Create.
  6. Enter the Text that will appear in your menu. For example, "My Order Base" or "My Workbench".
  7. Select the "Screen Set" or "Workbench Layout" option.
  8. Enter the screen set or default (workbench) layout that you created.
  9. Select the Show on Springboard option.
  10. To specify a new image, enter an Image ID.
  11. Click Save on the New Menu Element - Link page.
  12. Click Finished on the Menu Editor page.

Rapid Order Base and Rapid Order Release

Rapid order base and order release manager can only be added to a menu as external URLs in the following format:

  • Rapid order base manager: /servlets/RapidOBCustManagementServlet?manager_layout_gid=<Domain>.<YourManagerLayout>&new=y
  • Rapid order release manager: /servlets/RapidORCustManagementServlet?manager_layout_gid=<Domain>.<YourManagerLayout>&new=y

Limiting Access to a Screen Set or Workbench Layout

The User Access Manager lets you configure access to screen sets, menus, user preferences, saved queries, workbench layouts, etc. Access to these objects can be configured by domain, level, or user. Once you create a screen set and assign it to a menu, it is available to any user that has access to that menu. Use the User Access Manager to limit access to a screen set.

After you create your screen sets, manager layouts, and workbench layouts, you can associate them with a user-defined menu. When you next log into Oracle Transportation Management, the new menu will be displayed on the Springboard and when you click the Navigator icon.

  1. Choose Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manager User Access.
  2. Select "Screen Set" or "Workbench" from the User Access Type list.
  3. Decide how you want to grant access: user, level, or domain (limited to the DBA.ADMIN user).
  4. Click Edit User Access.
  5. Complete the Screen Set Access page.


    Complete the Workbench Access page.
  6. You can specify your user-defined menu by either including it with all menus, or excluding all menus except the ones you specify.

    Note: If you chose the Exclude all user menus except the following option and are adding a new menu option, be certain that the ADMIN_MENU or DBA_ADMIN_MENU is included in your list of user menus to include. Without one of those menus listed, the basic menu for Oracle Transportation Management will not appear.

  7. Log out of Oracle Transportation Management and then log back in. Your new menu will be displayed.

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