Cooperative Routing

Convert to Route Template

This action is accessed from Cooperative Routing Routes (Cooperative Routing > Route Analysis > Route).

This action converts cooperative routing (CR) routes into route templates. Business number generation is used for generating the Template ID. The new Template ID is based on the CR Route ID. The template status defaults to not active. Additionally, the action creates a route template reference number in the CR Route displaying the template ID.

When creating the template, the route template leg is also created using business number generation.

  1. From the Route finder page, select one or more routes to convert.
  2. Click the action Convert to Route Template.
  3. Select the Domain Name in which to create the route template.
  4. You can select whether to use the new domain or the current domain when creating the regions, equipment group profile and depot locations. The Use Destination Domain check box is selected by default. Clear it if you do not want to use the destination domain when creating the regions, equipment group profile and depot locations.

    If the check box is selected, the same domain is used. If the check box is not selected and the domain is public, the same domain is used. For other domains and shared domains, the destination domain is used.
  5. Click OK after making your selections. A status page appears with the results. The template is created successfully, already exists or fails.

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