Cooperative Routing

Lane Commitments

This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Route Analysis > Lane Commitment.

This page shows scenario specific commitment data for lane volume forecasts for cooperative routing (CR). These fields are not editable.

Following is the list of fields on this page.

  • LV Forecast ID: Lane volume forecast for this lane commitment data set.
  • Scenario ID: Scenario for this lane commitment data set.
  • Project ID: Project to which this forecast belongs.
  • Domain Name: Domain to which this forecast belongs.
  • Total Volume: Total volume on this lane volume forecast.
  • Confidence Factor (%): The confidence factor for the lane volume forecast total volume.
  • Avg Market Cost: Market cost for this lane volume forecast.
  • CR Volume (%): CR volume at percent of total volume.
  • Committed Volume (%): Committed CR volume at percent of total volume.
  • CR Volume: The volume of the lane volume forecast that is on CR routes for this scenario.
  • CR Confidence Factor (%): The confidence factor for this lane volume forecast with the CR volume.
  • Avg CR Leg Cost: The average per-unit volume allocated cost for this lane volume forecast on CR routes for this scenario.
  • Avg CR Leg Savings: The average per-unit volume allocated cost for this lane volume forecast on CR routes for this scenario (market cost - CR cost). This will be 0 if the market cost is blank.
  • Total CR Leg Savings: The total savings for the lane volume forecast on CR routes for this scenario (avg. CR leg savings * CR volume). This will be 0 if the market cost is blank.
  • CR Leg Savings (%): The CR leg as a percent of market cost (CR leg savings/market cost). This will be 0 if the market cost is blank.
  • Committed CR Volume: The volume of the lane volume forecast that is on committed CR routes for this scenario.
  • Committed CR Confidence Factor (%): The confidence factor for this lane volume forecast with the committed CR volume.
  • Avg Committed CR Leg Cost: The average per-unit volume allocated cost for this lane volume forecast on committed CR routes for this scenario.
  • Avg Committed CR Leg Savings: The average per-unit volume savings for this lane volume forecast on committed CR routes for this scenario (market cost - committed CR cost).
  • Total Committed CR Leg Savings: The total savings for the lane volume forecast on committed CR routes for this scenario.
  • Committed CR Leg Savings (%): The committed CR leg savings as a percent of market cost.

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