Cooperative Routing

Scenario Summary

This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Route Analysis > Scenario Summary.

This page provides solution summary information for a cooperative routing (CR) scenario. The fields are not editable.

Look at your aggregates and forecasts before running the solver to understand the data. Understanding that data will help you understand the data in the solver.

Following is a list of fields found on the page:

  • Scenario ID: The scenario for this summary.
  • Project ID: The project for this scenario.
  • Domain Name: Domain for this scenario.
  • Number of LV Forecasts: The number of forecasts in the scenario.
  • Total Volume: Total volume over all the forecasts in this scenario.
  • Number of CR Routes: Number of CR routes in this scenario.
  • Total CR Volume: Total forecast volume covered by the CR routes.
  • Avg CR Route Volume: Average volume on CR routes.
  • LV Forecasts on CRs: Number of lane volume forecasts that actually appear on CR routes. Not all forecasts are used in CR routes.
  • Total Residual Volume: Total forecast volume that is not covered by CRs (total volume: CR volume).
  • Total Cost: Total cost including CR costs and residual costs.
  • CR Cost: Total Cost of CR routes.
  • Residual Cost: Total cost of residual volume at market costs (total cost : CR cost).
  • Total Savings: The total savings of the CR routes over market costs (sum of CR route savings). It is the difference between what you expect to pay without CR compared to the actual total cost of the solution.
  • Savings (%): Percent of total savings over market costs (savings/(savings + total cost).
  • Number of Committed CR Routes: Number of CR routes that are committed.
  • Total Committed CR Volume: Total forecast volume covered by committed CR routes.
  • Avg Committed CR Route Volume: Average volume on committed CR routes.
  • LV Forecasts on Committed CRs: Number of forecasts which are at least partially covered by Committed CR routes.
  • Total Residual & Uncommitted Volume: Total forecast volume that is not covered by committed CRs (total volume: committed CR volume).
  • Total Cost with Commitments: Total cost including committed CR costs and residual and uncommitted costs.
  • Committed CR Cost: Total Cost of Committed CR Routes.
  • Residual and Uncommitted Cost: Total cost of residual and uncommitted volume at market costs.
  • Total Committed Savings: The total savings of the committed CR routes over market costs (sum of committed CR route savings).
  • Committed Savings (%): Percent of total savings over market costs (savings/savings + total cost with commitments).

Fleet Resource Usage

  • Fleet ID: Fleet associated with this scenario.
  • Available Resources: Number of resources available for this fleet.
  • Num Resources Used: Number of CRs that are assigned to this fleet.
  • Num Resources Committed: Number of committed CRs that are assigned to this fleet.

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