Operational Planning

Route Instance Statistics

Route instances can be created manually by a route template action or by using the Process manager.

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Cooperative Route Management > Route Instance. Select the Statistics tab.

The top section of the page shows strategic data. The strategic data comes from the cooperative routing route.

The next section shows planned data. The final section shows Actual data. These fields are initially blank and are computed by running either the Re-calculate Planned Statistics or Re-calculate Actual Statistics action. The action should be run when shipments are assigned to an instance. These can also be calculated by the route instance agent action Compute Statistics.

  1. Total Distance: Sum of the loaded distance and the deadhead distance.
  2. Loaded Distance: The sum of loaded distance on shipments that are assigned to the legs of the instance.
  3. Deadhead Distance: Sum of deadhead (empty transport) distance on legs. If the start depot is defined, the deadhead distance from the start depot to the source location is included. Same is true for the last destination and the end depot. If it is a closed loop the deadhead distance from the end depot to the start depot is included. It does not include and leg that is Never to be assigned.
    If any leg is missed or not-assigned, the deadhead = distance from the end of the previous leg to the start region of this leg (representative location of the start region) + distance from start region to end region of the leg + distance from end region to source location of the next leg.
  4. Deadhead (%): Calculated as the planned deadhead distance divided by the planned total distance.
  5. Savings Per Instance: (Strategic only) This is the savings per unit volume for the CR route over the market cost of the lane volume forecasts on the route.
  6. Duration: Last assigned leg shipment's end time - first assigned leg shipments departure time. The duration to and from the depots is not included. This only includes assigned legs.
  7. Confidence Factor (%): (Strategic only) Confidence factor for this CR route based upon CR volumes, disregarding commitments. This is the minimum of the confidence factors for the CR volume on the forecast legs.

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