Shipment Management

Change Stuffing Destuffing Locations

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Group Management > Container Group > Actions > Change Stuffing/Destuffing Location.

If an order has already been planned on the primary leg, you can use this action to change the associated stuffing/de-stuffing points.

Oracle Transportation Management performs the following checks:

  • The locations specified must be valid nodes on the itineraries associated with all the orders in the container.
  • The legs between the new stuffing and de-stuffing locations must be common for all the orders associated with the container.
  • The orders are not scheduled on any leg other than the primary leg.

When these checks are satisfied, the Stuffing/De-stuffing locations and the Reference Code will be changed and the updated values displayed on the container group. Otherwise, an error message appears including details such as which leg is still scheduled for which order, etc, so that you can rectify the situation and invoke the action again.

All the shipments on the various legs between the stuffing and de-stuffing locations will reference the exact same equipment (container) for the orders that are unitized.

Oracle Transportation Management will recognize and honor the integrity of the container that the order movement's ship units are associated with when planning the legs between the stuffing and de-stuffing locations.

  • The Re-Use Equipment flag on order movement determines whether the order movement is between the stuffing and de-stuffing locations.
  • Use the primary leg to determine which ship units belong to the container.
  • Ensure that only ship units belonging in the same container are consolidated together. The ship unit cannot be consolidated with others that do not share the same container.
  • Ensure that all ship units in a container are jointly planned onto the container in each leg.

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