Shipment Management

Combine Shipment Groups

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Groups and Charges > Combine Shipment Groups.

Use this action to combine two shipment groups into one and remove the shipment group that does not have shipments.

Note: This only applies to trailer build type of shipment groups.

  • Before combining the two groups, Oracle Transportation Management checks whether the smaller equipment of the two groups can hold the shipments from both groups. If the shipment group with the smaller equipment can hold all the shipments from both groups, Oracle Transportation Management uses this shipment group and keeps its ID. Otherwise, if the group with larger equipment can hold all the shipments, Oracle Transportation Management uses it. If the equipment from either of the two groups cannot hold all the shipments, an error occurs. If the equipment of the two shipment groups are the same, Oracle Transportation Management uses the ID of the first group.
  • The combined shipment group will keep its original Shipment Group Rule ID, Source and Destination Location ID, but take the earlier start time and later end time of the two shipment groups.

Note: Shipment groups can be combined only if both of them are in the status 'SHIP_GROUP OPEN FOR ADDITION_OPEN'.

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