Order Management

Buy/Sell Fixed Itineraries

The Buy Fixed Itinerary and the Sell Fixed Itinerary fields are accessed via:
  • Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base. Select the Constraints tab.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release. Select the Constraints tab.

The distinction between using Buy and Sell Fixed Itineraries is important in situations when you want to create a bill that reflects point-to-point transportation service instead of having a bill that shows intermediary stop-offs or multiple legs. To use this field effectively, you have to create the appropriate itineraries that properly reflect how you plan to sell transportation services. Once you define the appropriate itineraries, use this field to assign a valid sell-side itinerary.

If you do not assign an itinerary, Oracle Transportation Management finds the best matching sell-side itinerary to create the bill. If Oracle Transportation Management cannot locate an appropriate itinerary, no bill is prepared.

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