Order Management

Date Emphasis

This field is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base. Select the Constraints tab.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release. Select the Constraints tab.

Date Emphasis governs how the order release Early/Late Pickup Dates and Early/Late Delivery Dates are used. The options are BOTH, SHIP, DELV, NONE, PAST.

  • Choose BOTH to consider the Early/Late Pickup Dates and the Early/Late Delivery Dates on the order release.
  • Choose SHIP to consider only the Early/Late Pickup Dates on the order release. Delivery Dates will be ignored.
    Choose DELV to consider only the Early/Late Delivery Dates on the order release.  Pickup Dates will be ignored.
  • Choose NONE to ignore both the Pickup Dates and Delivery Dates on the order release.

For BOTH, SHIP, DELV, and NONE, the order release will not be planned in the past, even if the Pickup Date is in the past:

  • Early Pickup Date: if this is empty or ignored or set in the past, the actual early pickup date will be the baseline time (i.e., today - see below).
  • Late Pickup Date: if this is empty or ignored, the actual late pickup date will be the baseline time + the value in the ORDER WINDOW TIME SPAN parameter. (For example, it will be 30 days after today.)
  • Early Delivery Date: if this is empty or ignored, the actual early delivery date will be the baseline time (i.e., today - see below).
  • Late Delivery Date: if this is empty or ignored, the actual late delivery date will be the baseline time + the value in the ORDER WINDOW TIME SPAN parameter. (For example, it will be 30 days after today.)

The PAST option allows orders to be planned in the past, according to the values in the Early/Late Pickup Dates and Early/Late Delivery Dates. An order with date emphasis PAST should have at least a non-empty Early Pickup Date or non-empty Early Delivery Date. If these are empty, the following will be used:

  • Early Pickup Date: for PAST, if this is empty, the actual early pickup date will be the baseline time - the value in the ORDER WINDOW TIME SPAN parameter. (For example, it will be 30 days before today.)
  • Late Pickup Date: for PAST, if this is empty, the actual late pickup date will be the baseline time + the value in the ORDER WINDOW TIME SPAN parameter. (For example, it will be 30 days after today.)
  • Early Delivery Date: for PAST, if this is empty, the actual early delivery date will be the baseline time - the value in the ORDER WINDOW TIME SPAN parameter. (For example, it will be 30 days before today.)
  • Late Delivery Date: for PAST, if this is empty, the actual late delivery date will be the baseline time + the value in the ORDER WINDOW TIME SPAN parameter. (For example, it will be 30 days after today.)

The baseline time is the current date/time (today) adjusted by the settings of two parameters: MIN BUNDLING TIME WINDOW AFTER CURRENT TIME and NUM OF SHIFTS PER DAY.

Note: For all options, other constraints (e.g. location calendars) and parameter settings can also affect shipment start and end times.

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