Landed Cost

Request Structure Information

The following are the data elements that GTM sends to the third party data provider's tax engine as part of the tax request:

  • Source and Destination
  • Transport Mode
  • Product Information
  • Quantity  
    • The duty and taxes are based on quantities expressed in different UOMs. The data provider supplies this quantity requirement to GTM using the 5 DUTY_TAX_UOM attributes along with the classification code downloaded. You must either enter manually or transform their quantity in these UOMs.
  • Base Amounts for Duty and Taxes. GTM will add up the values manually entered or calculated by the system into these four cost categories of the data provider:
    • COST OF GOODS: The FOB price of the item (i.e. not considering international freight and insurance).
    • FREIGHT AMOUNT: The freight value.
    • INSURANCE: The insurance value.
    • DUTIABLE FREIGHT AMOUNT: In some cases this value differs from the International Freight. For example, in Europe when importing from India with a transportation mode AIR, the dutiable freight could be 70% of the International Freight amount.

GTM provides the following default mapping :

  • ValueQualifier.DUT INTL FREIGHT. It is the dutiable international freight value qualifier. It will map to DUTIABLE_FREIGHT_AMOUNT in the external tax engine.
  • ValueQualifier.FOB VALUE. It is the FOB price value qualifier. It will map to COST_OF_GOODS value in the external tax engine.
  • ValueQualifier.INSURANCE. The insurance amount value qualifier. It will map to INSURANCE value in the external tax engine.
  • ValueQualifier.INTL FREIGHT. The international freight value qualifier. It will map to FREIGHT_AMOUNT value in the external tax engine.

You can map your own value qualifier with the property mappings as mentioned in Duty and Tax request properties section.

Note: The Request Structure supports:
Multiple Lines per Transaction (Estimate Landed Cost on Trade Transaction)
Multiple Transactions per Request (Landed Cost Simulator)

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