Landed Cost

Response Structure Information

The following are the data elements that GTM receives from the third party data provider's tax engine:

  • Trade Transaction Information (Source, Destination, Shipment ID, etc.)
  • Trade Transaction Level and Trade Transaction Line Level Taxes:
    • Tax Category: VAT/EXCISE TAX/OTHER TAX
    • Tax Group Short Name: There might be certain taxes among which only one of them can apply. Such taxes are grouped under one Tax Group. For example, tax on beer can be different depending on whether the beer is organic or inorganic. When the data provider is not aware of whether the beer imported is organic or inorganic, it groups them together under a tax group with a short name as Beer.
    • Tax Name: Identifies the unique name of the tax. In the above case, there are two taxes - one tax on organic beer and other tax on inorganic beer.
    • Is Default: Identifies the default tax in a tax group. In the case of the above example, the data provider can send both taxes (one on organic beer and other on inorganic beer) but mark one of them as default tax. Only the default tax will be assigned to the simulator or trade transaction.
    • Is Calc Valid: Indicates whether all the essential input required for the duty calculation is proper or not.
    • Tax Error Message: Error message when the input data is not proper for tax calculation.
    • Tax Formula: Formula used by the data provider for tax calculation.

For example :







<note />






<taxName>Heavy oil, rebated, gas oil</taxName>







<note />






<taxName>Heavy oil, unrebated</taxName>







In this example, there are two taxes ‘Heavy oil, rebated, gas oil’ or ‘Heavy oil, unrebated’ possible for the goods imported but only one of the taxes can be applied. The third party data provider sends both the taxes grouped under one tax group with a group short name. It marks one of them as default and uses the default tax to calculate other taxes like VAT dependent on this tax group.

  • Trade Transaction Line Level Duties:
    • Tariff Code Id: Unique ID provided by the data provider to the duty.
    • Trade Program: Name of the trade agreement.
    • Is Default: There might be many trade agreements applicable. This flag will identify one of them as default.
    • Is Calc Valid: Indicates whether all the essential input required for duty calculation is proper.
    • Duty Error Message: Error message when the input data is not proper for duty calculation.
    • Duty Formula: Formula used by the data provider for duty calculation.

Note: GTM will stop duty and tax estimation if a default tax in any particular tax group isn’t calculated.

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