Change Restricted Party Status

This page is accessed via e following:

  • Restricted Party Screening > Parties > Actions > Utilities > Change Restricted Party Status
  • Master Data > Parties > Actions > Utilities > Change Restricted Party Status

When you perform restricted party screening on a party, the Party Screening - Potential Matches screen lets you determine whether potential matches should be set as verified matches or as not matches. You can also mark a potential match for escalation so that additional review can be performed. At some point you may wish to change the screening status on a Party. This action enables you to make such a change.

  1. When you run the action, the Change Restricted Party Status screen opens.
  2. Select the new status from the Status Value drop-down list. Your choices are as follows:




    Party has been RPLS (Restricted Party List Screening) screened and the potential match should be reviewed.


    Party has been RPLS (Restricted Party List Screening) screened and the contact has no matches.


    Party has been RPLS (Restricted Party List Screening) screened and the contact matches a name on the restricted party list.


    Party has been RPLS (Restricted Party List Screening) screened and the user has escalated a review of the results.

  3. Enter any comments you may have in the Enter Your Comment text box.
  4. Click Save.

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