Review Match Factor Action

This action is accessed via the following:

  • Restricted Party Screening > Parties > Actions > Screening Services > Review Match Factor
  • Master Data > Parties > Actions > Screening Services > Review Match Factor

This page depicts the processing details of matching the party with the restricted party. In the Party Screening – Potential Matches results page, the upper grid of the page displays all the party details while the lower grid lists all the potential restricted party matches.

Use the Review Match Factor action available in the Party manager page to determine why a particular restricted party is not considered as potential match or displayed as part of the restricted party screening result.

Additional properties that control the behavior of match factor determination are described below. The default values, which are shown below, are the recommended values.

  • gtm.rps.match.useCountryCode=true specifies that the country code will be matched instead of Country Name.
  • gtm.rpls.match.setMatchFactorToZero=true nullifies the contribution of unknown or empty parameter towards the overall match factor.
  • gtm.rpsservice.maxresponse property specifies the maximum number of screening matches that are returned. The default value for the property is 500.
  • gtm.rpls.prorateEmptyParamterWeight property to exclude an empty parameter as part of the Overall Match Factor and hence, reduce the number of false positives returned during restricted party screening. When the property is set to “true” and the Match Default is MATCH, weightage of the empty parameters is prorated among the non-empty parameters while calculating the overall match factor and is then compared with the threshold on the service preference.
    Overall Match Factor without prorating = Sum of weighted Match Factor for all non-empty parameters
    Overall Match Factor with prorating = Sum of weighted Match Factor for all non-empty parameters/Sum of weight of all non-empty parameters
    The default value of the property is false.

Use this action to review the results of match outcome for any party against a restricted party. You need to provide Restricted Party ID and Service Preference ID values.

Note: Inverted Index matching engine is supported by this action for a quicker performance.

Reviewing Match Factor

  1. Select a service preference from the Service Preference ID drop-down list.
  2. Select Restricted Party.
  3. Click Review Match Factor. The Review Match Factor window displays match details for each field configured in the service parameter.

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