Master Data

GTM Item Unit of Measure Conversion

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > General > Item Unit of Measure Conversion.

Use this page to convert an item's unit of measurement to another.

This conversion information is item-specific, that is, the conversion is only applied to a specific item with a specified product classification type. Such conversion enables you to specify different conversions for different classifications of the same item.

Note: You can also use the UOM Conversion Rates section in the item manager, the transaction manager, the transaction line manager, and agent actions to accomplish the same task.

Converting Item UOM

  1. Enter an ID in the Item ID field.
  2. Select the current UOM from the From UOM drop-down list.
  3. Select the new UOM from the To UOM drop-down list..
  4. Enter a value in the Conversion Rate field.
  5. Select the Domain Name in which this conversion will be active.
  6. Click Finished.

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