Master Data

Program Authorizations

Note: This functionality will come into effect in a future release.

This page is accessed via Trade Incentive Programs > Program Authorizations.

You have to obtain authorization to use some trade incentive programs. Use this page to add/edit/view authorization details related to a trade incentive program

Adding a Trade Incentive Program Authorization

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Trade Incentive Program Authorization ID field. You will use this ID when you refer to this trade incentive program authorization on other pages.
  2. Enter an ID in the Trade Incentive Program ID field to associate the authorization with this trade incentive program.
  3. Enter the name of the trade incentive program authorization in the Name field.
  4. Select a domain in which this trade incentive program authorization will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  5. If desired, enter additional information about the trade incentive program authorization in the Description field.
  6. Enter a regulation reference that the trade incentive program authorization is associated with in the Regulation Reference ID field.
  7. Select the Active check box if the trade incentive program authorization is to be active.
  8. Enter a date in the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields which define the start and the end date of the trade incentive program authorization.
  9. Enter a date in the Authorized Date field which specifies the date when the trade incentive program is authorized.
  10. Select the Maintain Stock Ledger check box if the trade incentive program authorization is to monitor stock balance.
  11. Select an option from the Accounting Method to specify the method to monitor of stock movement.

Involved Parties

Use this section to record parties involved in this trade incentive program authorization. You can add as many involved parties as you require.

Adding an Involved Party:

  1. Select an involved party qualifier from the Involved Party Qualifier drop-down list.
  2. Enter the name of the party in the Involved Party field.

Note: The address information of the involved parties will be displayed in both the View and Edit windows.

  1. Click Save.


Use this section to record any registration related to the trade incentive program authorization.

Adding a Registration:

  1. Enter an ID in the Registration ID field.
  2. Click Save.

Allowed Goods

Use this section to record the items that are allowed under the trade incentive program authorization.

Adding an Allowed Good:

  1. Enter an ID in the Item ID field.
  2. Enter the classification code of the item in the Product Classification Code field.
  3. Enter the quantity of the allowed good in the Quantity field.
  4. Select the unit of measure for the selected quantity from the UOM drop-down list.
  5. Enter the currency value of the allowed good in the Value field.
  6. Select a currency from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Save.

Processed Goods

Use this section to record the items that are considered as processed goods under the trade incentive program authorization.

Adding a Processed Good:

  1. Enter an ID in the Item ID field.
  2. Enter a classification code in the Product Classification Code field.
  3. Enter the quantity of the processed good in the Quantity Value field.
  4. Select the unit of measure for the selected quantity from the UOM drop-down list.
  5. Enter the currency value of the processed good in the Currency Value field.
  6. Select a currency from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Save.


Use this section to record procedures that are associated with this trade incentive program authorization.

Adding a Procedure:

  1. Enter an ID in the Procedure ID field.
  2. Click Save.

Text Templates

Use this section to specify templates that will be used with this trade incentive program authorization.

Adding a Text Template:

  1. Enter an ID in the Text Template ID field.
  2. Enter a type in the Document Type field.
  3. Enter any related text in the Text field.
  4. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to record reference numbers that apply to this trade incentive program authorization. 

Adding a Reference Number:

  1. Select a reference number qualifier from the Reference Number Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter the reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.


Use this section to add as many remarks as you require.

Adding a Remark:

  1. Select a remark qualifier from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter your remarks in the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Finished.

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