Master Data

Transaction and Declaration Reference Number Qualifiers

This page is accessed via:

  • Master Data > Power Data > Qualifiers > Declaration Reference Number Qualifiers
  • Master Data > Power Data > Qualifiers > Transaction Reference Number Qualifiers

Use this page to define reference number qualifiers for use on the transaction manager or the declaration manager.

  1. Enter an ID in the Transaction/Declaration Reference Number Qualifier ID field.
  2. If needed, enter a description in the Description field.
  3. Enter a business number type ID in the BN Type ID filed.
  4. Select one of the Updates Allowed options to configure whether remarks with a certain qualifier are updated or appended to as a result of object updates that are made via XML interfaces.
  5. Select the domain where this qualifier will be used from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  6. Click Finished.

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