
Match Engines

GTM uses software modules called match engines to perform screening tasks. You can select a particular engine to be used in a screening task by specifying it in the Service Preference window.




Uses the occurrence of characters in the two strings being compared to compute a coefficient value. This coefficient value then determines the % match. Dice is case-insensitive and can be employed to compare double-byte characters as well. It is the default matching engine employed for the restricted party screening service. By default a matching coefficient of 0.50 (50 %) or above is deemed a match.

Inverted Index

Uses an inverse indexing algorithm for indexing restricted parties by bigrams. This engine uses the occurrence of bigram characters (two characters) in the party and the restricted party data to compare and compute a coefficient value, which in turn is used to determine the match percentage. The output match factor can vary from 0 to 1.

Exact Match

The engine only identifies exact matches to the input data.

Keyword Match

Checks for the number of restricted party words present for the party.


Uses a phonetic algorithm and variable length keys for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English.


Uses a phonetic algorithm and fixed-length keys for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English.

Substring Match

Searches for occurrences of words as part of the restricted party screening process. It allows searching on words that are parts of a string.

As an example, if there are 2 denied party entries "Test Breeder Site" and "Rick Reeder" and the search string is "Breeder" the Dice engine will find both entries as potential matches, the Exact Match engine will find no matches and the Substring match engine will find only "Test Breeder Site".

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