
Assign License

This page is accessed via

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Manage Licenses > Assign License
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions > Manage Licenses > Assign License

Use this action to assign or reserve licenses for transaction lines. For details, see License Code.

The license balance is updated based on license assignment/reservation and detailed information is displayed in the Quantity and Value Balances grid of the License Line.

No input is required to run this action.

Note: If a location is not specified on the Locations grid on the transaction, Region/Country matching will use the party location specified on the transaction.

Also see, Re-Evaluate License.


The action attempts to match transaction lines with existing, available licenses. The License Determination page displays one of several messages.



Next Step

{name of currency balance method} currency balance method for the license line {name of license line} is not valid.

Invalid currency balance method designated.

Select a valid currency balance method.

Currency balance method of the license line {name of license line} is not the same as {name of currency balance method}.

Currency balance of the license line differs from the method outlined on the transaction/transaction line.

Change the currency balance method on either the license line or the transaction/transaction line.

Currency type of the license line {name of license line} is not the same as {name of currency type}.

Currency type of the license line differs from the method outlined on the transaction/transaction line.

Change the currency type on either the license line or the transaction/transaction line.

Currency type of the license line is null.

A currency type was not selected on the license line.

Select a currency type for the license line.

Data could not be retrieved for any of the license lines.


Check the license line information. If the information exists, advise your system administrator of the message.

{limiting factor name} limiting factor of the license line {license line name} is not valid.

The selected limiting factor is not valid.

Select a valid quantity balance method.

No message.

Available licenses appear in a grid below each transaction line.

To assign a license, select a license and then click Assign License.

No transaction line found for {transaction name} to screen.

There are no transaction lines recorded for the transaction.

Close the License Determination window.

{limiting factor name} limiting factor of the license line {license line name} is not valid.

The selected limiting factor is not valid.

Choose a valid limiting factor.

Please select only one transaction for license assignment.

Multiple transactions have been selected.

De-select all but one transaction.

Quantity on the license line is null.

The Quantity field contains no data.

Enter a value in the license line Quantity field.

Quantity qualifier of the license line {name of license line} is null.

The Quantity Qualifier ID field contains no data.

Enter a value on the Quantity Qualifier ID field of the license line.

Quantity UOM of the license line {name of license line} is null.

The UOM field on the license line contains no data.

Enter a value in the UOM field.

Quantity UOM of the transaction line {name of transaction line} is null.

The UOM field on the transaction line contains no data.

Enter a value in the transaction line UOM field.

Quantity UOM type of the transaction line {name of transaction line} is not the same as that of the license line {name of the license line}.

The UOM selected in the UOM drop-down list on the Quantity section of the Transaction Line manager is not the same as the UOM defined in the License Line. Note that the UOM field exists in both the Quantity  and Value section as well as the Authorized Quantity section. The name of the license line will tell you which fields do not match. You cannot perform a license assignment if the UOM fields are different.

Change either the transaction line record or the license line record so that both values are the same.

The balance quantity on the license line {license line name} is null.

A value has not been entered in the Total Value section of the License Line.

Enter a quantity in the Value field in the Total Value section of the License Line.

The licenses cannot be assigned to the transaction line.


Review the licenses and the transaction line information for errors.

The Total Value currency on the license line {license line name} is null.

A currency has not been selected in the Total Value section of the License Line.

Select a currency from the drop-down list in the Total Value section of the License Line.

The transaction line {transaction line name} does not have any quantity for the qualifier {quantity type name}.

A value has not been entered in the Quantity field in the Quantity section of the Transaction Line.

Enter a value in the Quantity field in the Quantity section of the Transaction Line.

There is no currency defined on the transaction line {name of transaction line} for the currency type {name of currency type}.

A currency type has been defined, but the currency has not been defined.

Define a currency for the currency type selected on the license line.

There is no matching license available.

No license is available for matching.

Close the License Determination window.

There is not enough quantity and currency balance on the license lines for the transaction line {transaction line name}.

Insufficient balances are remaining on the license.

Adjust license balances or secure a new license.

There is not enough currency balance on the license lines for the transaction line {transaction line name}.

The license line remaining currency balance is not sufficient for the transaction line.

Adjust the license line currency balance or secure a new license.

There is not enough quantity balance on the license lines for the transaction line {transaction line name}.

The license line remaining quantity balance is not sufficient for the transaction line.

Adjust the license line quantity balance or secure a new license.

The transaction type code is null for the transaction line {transaction line name}.

A transaction type code has not been recorded for the transaction line.

Either open the transaction line and add a transaction type code and then rerun the action, or close the License Determination window.

The UOM for the quantity qualifier of the license line is not the same as {quantity UOM name}.

The unit of measurement tied to the quantity qualifier on the license line is not the same as the unit of measurement defined on the transaction/transaction line.

Adjust the unit of measurement on either the license or the transaction/transaction line.

Related Topics

Trade Transaction Actions and SmartLinks

Trade Transaction Line Actions and SmartLinks

About License Management