
Transaction Line Control

This page is accessed via Transactions > Trade Transactions. Then click New Transaction Line and on the transaction line page, click New Control. You can also access this page via Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > New Control.

You can specify controls that will be applied to specific transaction lines.

Creating a Transaction Line Control

  1. Enter a rule set group ID in the Compliance Rule Set ID field.
  2. Enter a rule ID in the Compliance Rule ID field.
  3. Select a type from the Control Type drop-down list.
  4. Select a code from the Control Code drop-down list.
  5. Enter a Registration ID.
  6. Enter a quantity and UOM (unit of measurement).
  7. If you wish to associate a document type with this control, select a type in the Document Type field.

    Note: If you associate a document type with a control and then use that control while compliance screening a transaction line, the document type associated with the control will override any documents already associated to the transaction line.

  8. Use the Registration ID field to designate a specific registration value for this control.
  9. Click Save.

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