Trade Agreements

Trade Agreements

This page is accessed via Trade Agreements > Trade Agreements.

Trade Agreements, also known as Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are international agreements between governments to remove or reduce tariffs on a defined set of items. FTAs such as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), ASEAN–China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and others help exporters by making their products affordable overseas and for importers to reduce their duties and taxes.

FTAs help companies to grow their business and attract investment. They can also help:

  • Expand export market
  • Reduce imported input costs
  • Help business invest overseas more easily
  • Attract overseas investors

Use this page to create, view, or modify an existing trade agreement.


Adding a Trade Agreement:

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Trade Agreement ID field. You will use this ID when you refer to this trade agreement on other pages.
  2. Enter the trade agreement type in the Trade Agreement Type field. This agreement type can be preferential or non preferential type.
  3. Select a domain in which this trade agreement will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Enter the trade agreement short name in the Short Name field.
  5. Enter the trade agreement name in the Name field.
  6. Select the Active check box if the trade agreement is active.
  7. The Effective Date field implies the date from when the trade agreement will be effective.
  8. The Expiration Date field implies the date till when the trade agreement will be effective.
  9. Enter the version in the Data Version field. This is a new version of external data that you import for use in the trade agreement process.
  10. Enter the code that is externally used for the trade agreement in the External Reference Code field.
  11. Select the Rollup Allowed check box to apply the rollup provision.
  12. Select the Allow Partial Credit check box to indicate that for this trade agreement non-originating components will be considered during qualification. (Also see property gtm.roo.leafComponent.originating.considerQualification.)


You can add the partners involved with this trade agreement in this section.

Adding a Partner:

  1. Enter a region associated with this trade agreement in the Region ID field.
    Enter a country associated with this trade agreement in the Country Code ID field.
  2. Click Save.

Note: The Member Nations section is deprecated as of release 21A. Please use the Partners section instead.

Note: A trade agreement is applicable between an importing country and a country of origin, provided they are part of two separate partners.

Regional Value Content Methods

In this section you can add regional value content methods to calculate the percentage of originating content of the goods associated with the trade agreement.

  1. Enter the sequence in which the method is to be applied in the Priority field.
  2. Enter a method in the Regional Value Content Method ID field.
  3. Click Save.

Rules of Origin Formulae

In this section you can add rule types and formulas to determine the Rules of Origin for the trade agreement.

  1. Enter an ID in the Rules of Origin Rule Type ID field.
  2. Enter an ID in the Formula ID field.
  3. Click Save.

Dependent Formulae

You can add the dependent formulae of the trade agreement in this section. These formulae will be used to calculate values like non-originating material, originating material, etc. The values derived can be used for calculating the regional value content percentage and de minimis percentage.

  1. Enter a formula expression in the Formula ID field.
  2. Click Save.


Use this section to add as many remarks as you require.

Adding a Remark:

  1. Select a remark qualifier from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter your remarks in the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to record reference numbers that apply to this trade agreement. You can add as many reference numbers as you require.

Adding a Reference Number:

  1. Select a reference number qualifier from the Reference Number Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter the reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Finished.


Right-click on any ID to launch the following SmartLinks:



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