Business Process Automation

Upload an XML/CSV Transmission

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Integration > Integration Manager > Upload an XML/CSV Transmission.

Use this process to import data from the CSV utility, and to test the integration process by uploading individual XML transmissions and searching for integration errors. The upload process transfers files from your local machine (or from an accessible network machine) to the Oracle Transportation Management server.

The property glog.textFile.defaultEncoding allows you to selectively change the encoding used for text file upload and display.

Note: You can only export data to which you have access.

Note: The upload feature depends on the file extension to determine what to do with the file. For example, if the file extension is XML, it assumes the content adheres to the GLogXML schema and processes it accordingly. Likewise, if the extension is CSV, the user is prompted for CSVUtil parameters, then CSVUtil is executed.

Note: Most caches refresh automatically when you upload a CSV or submit one via the <CSVDataLoad> integration element. However, depending on the CSV, you may need to request a restart.

Note: There are limits on importing CSVs. When importing via the user interface, there is a 50MB limit. However, when importing via integration, there is a 100MB limit.

  1. Select Business Process Automation > Integration > Integration Manager from the main menu.
  2. Click Upload an XML/CSV Transmission.
  3. Click Browse next to the What xml/ csv file do you want to upload? field.
  4. Navigate to the XML/CSV file that you want to upload to Oracle Transportation Management. You can upload generic XML, CSV files, ZIP files containing CSV files. For example, .xml, .csv, .txt, and .zip.
  5. Select the file you want from the window list, then click Open.
  6. Click Upload. The Launch Integration page appears.

Transmission Errors

Use this process to determine if the transmission you processed has errors. If an error occurred, a number displays at the bottom of the page after the process is performed. If no number displays, no errors occurred.

  1. Select Business Process Automation > Integration > Integration Manager.
  2. Click Perform an Integration Command.
  3. Select ProcessTransmissionXML from the Command drop-down list.
  4. Select Transmission from the Qualifier drop-down list.
  5. Enter the transmission number from the Transmission Results screen in the Arg1Value field.
  6. Enter your user name in the glUserGid field.
  7. Enter your password in the glPassword field.
  8. Click Process.

Viewing the Errors Associated with a Particular Transmission:

  1. Select Business Process Automation > Integration >Integration Manager.
  2. Click Perform an Integration Command.
  3. Select ViewTransmissionReportXML from the Command drop-down list.
  4. Select Transmission from the Qualifier drop-down list.
  5. Enter the transmission number from the Transmission Results screen in the Arg1Value field.
  6. Enter your user name in the glUserGid field.
  7. Enter your password in the glPassword field.
  8. Click Process.
  9. Review and correct any errors that may exist, and re-transmit the interface file to Oracle Transportation Management.

Non 7-bit ASCII

Uploading files with this page is implemented by the browser, not by Oracle Transportation Management code. Current versions (at least including version 6.0 SP1) of Internet Explorer transmits "null" for character encoding in the HTTP header. The TransmissionReceiver servlet (which receives the uploaded data from the browser) uses the encoding specified in the HTTP header, if it is not null. If it is null, the servlet assumes UTF-8.

Be aware that uploading XML files containing ISO-8859-1 characters that conflict with characters in the UTF-8 character set yields unpredictable results, depending on which browser you use.

  • If the browser properly specifies the character set in the HTTP header, there will not be a problem.
  • If you are unsure, avoid uploading files with this web page, and use (as described in the Data Management Guide on the Oracle Help Center) instead to HTTPPOST directly to the WMServlet specifying the character encoding on the command line. ensures that the character encoding is properly specified in the HTTP header, so that WMServlet can interpret the input stream correctly.
  • When XML files are encoded in UTF-8, or are encoded in ISO-8859-1 but only use characters that do not conflict with UTF-8, this web page may be safely used.

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