Business Process Automation

Milestone Links

This page is accessed via:

  • Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Milestone Monitor > Add Milestone > Add Milestone Link
  • Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Milestone Template > Add Milestone > Add Milestone Link

Use this page to define milestone links. These links assign a successor milestone to a milestone and define a relationship between them.

Adding a Milestone Link

  1. Choose another milestone from the Successor Milestone list to establish a successor relationship between two milestones. The milestones that appear in the list are the existing milestones defined in the milestone template. This includes the milestone you are working on so it can link to itself.
  2. The Dependency Service determines the nature of the relationship between the two milestones. Choose one of the following:
    • Activate: When the milestone is triggered, this activates Monitor Event and Perform Action for the successor milestone.
    • Deactivate: When the milestone is triggered, this sets the successor milestone Monitor Event and Perform Action to inactive. If the Successor is a time-based milestone, the date and time it was waiting to be notified of is cancelled. Another Milestone can turn the deactivated milestone on.
    • Disable: Disable permanently deactivates the successor milestone. The only exception is if it is manually activated by editing the milestone.
    • Sequence: The milestone must occur before its successor milestone. This is enforced only if the milestone is designated as Mandatory. Use the Based On list in the Time Dependency Details section of the page to specify whether to use the EVENT OCCURRED DATE Time Dependency (see below for details).
    • Time_Offset Based: Use this Dependency Service when you want to define a time-based successor. Use the Based On list box in the Time Dependency Details section of the page to specify the "type of date" to use. The values in this list are described in the Time Dependency Details table below. Use the Based On Offset field to set the Days, Hours, and Minutes time offset that will trigger the linked  milestone. The Based On list in the Time Dependency Details section of the page is only active when the Time Offset Based Dependency Service is selected.
  3. If more than one link connects a milestone and a successor milestone, the order in which these links are processed is determined by the Link Sequence. Enter the appropriate link sequence as a number (for example, 1, 2, 3). If a milestone is deleted, its successor links are also deleted.

Time Dependency Details

The following Time Dependency Details can be used if you selected the Time Offset Based Dependency Service mentioned above.

Based on

Business Object


Actual Arrival


Sell Side Shipment

Uses the Actual Arrival date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Actual Arrival

Charter Voyage

Uses the Actual Arrival date and time on the Charter Voyage specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Actual Departure


Sell Side Shipment

Uses the Actual Departure date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Actual Departure Date

Charter Voyage

Uses the Actual Departure Date and time on the Charter Voyage specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Arrival Date

Charter Voyage

Use the Arrival Date and time on the Charter Voyage specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Business Function


Uses the date and time returned from the Business Function specified in the Monitor Business Function ID list.

Delivery Appointment


Sell Side Shipment

Uses the Appointment Delivery date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Departure Date


Charter Voyage

Uses the Departure Date and time on the Voyage and Charter Voyage specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Early Delivery Date

Order Base

Order Release

Uses the Early Delivery Date and Time on the Order Base or Release specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Early Pickup Date

Order Base

Order Release

Uses the Early Pickup Date and Time on the Order Base or Release specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

End Date


Sell Side Shipment


Shipment Group

Uses the specified offset time from the business object's End Date on the Milestone Link to set the successor milestone.

Estimated Arrival


Sell Side Shipment

Charter Voyage

Uses the Estimated Arrival date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Estimated Arrival Date

Charter Voyage

Uses the Estimated Arrival Date and time on the charter Voyage specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Estimated Departure


Sell Side Shipment

Uses the Estimated Departure date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Estimated Departure Date

Charter Voyage

Uses the Estimated Departure date and time on the Charter Voyage specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Event Occurred Date


Sell Side Shipment


Order Base

Order Release Shipment Group



Charter Voyage

Uses the date and time the event occurred by the  milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Event Received Date


Sell Side Shipment


Order Base

Order Release Shipment Group



Charter Voyage

Uses the date and time the event was received by the  milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Expiration Date


Sell Side Shipment


Order Base

Order Release Shipment Group



Charter Voyage

The successor milestone's expiration date is set to the value specified in the Expiration Date field. If the Expiration Date is specified in the future, then the successor's milestone expiration date is set to this date/time and is subscribed. If the Expiration Date is specified in the past, then the current date is used and the time is set to the time specified in the expiration date. If the Time is in the past, then the time is set with one hour added to the time of assignment. This ensures no errors during monitoring.

Invoice Date


Uses the Invoice date on the Invoice specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Last Inventory Date


Uses the Invoice date on the Invoice specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Late Delivery Date

Order Base

Order Release

Uses the Late Delivery date and Time on the Order Base or Release specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Late Pickup Date

Order Base

Order Release

Uses the Late Pickup date and Time on the Order Base or Release specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Order Base Effective Date

Order Base

Uses the Order Base Effective date and time on the Order Base specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Order Base Expiration Date

Order Base

Uses the Order Base Expiration date and time on the Order Base specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Pickup Appointment


Sell side Shipment

Uses the Appointment Pickup date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Planned Arrival


Sell side Shipment

Uses the Planned Arrival date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Planned Departure


Sell side Shipment

Uses the Planned Departure date and time on the shipment stop specified on the milestone to set the successor's expiration date and time. This expiration date and time is published.

Saved Query


Sell side Shipment


Order Base

Order Release Shipment Group



Charter Voyage

Uses the date and time returned from the execution of the saved query specified in the Saved Query field. This expiration date and time is published. Note that the query can be generalized using "?" and "#. " For example, when querying the Shipment ID and Stop Number respectively the query is first parsed to replace all "?" with Shipment ID and "#" with Stop Number of the predecessor milestone.

Start Date


Sell side Shipment


Shipment Group

Uses the specified offset time from the business object's Start Date on the Milestone Link to set the successor milestone.


If you select any Time Offset Based attribute, then the successor milestone's expiration date is calculated using the attribute date and time plus or minus the Based on Offset. A Based On Offset can be positive or negative. If Business Function is selected, and Use Calendar Hours is checked, then the expiration date and the time is calculated taking into account the office hours on the calendar.

The following Time Dependency Detail can be used if you selected the Sequence Dependency Service mentioned above.

Based On


Event Occurred Date

This dependency service is specifically used to monitor related shipments (related monitoring).

Deactivate Dependency Details

  1. If you choose DEACTIVATE as the Dependency Service, enter the Record Event Count Limit. This limits the number of actions and notifications that the milestone can perform based on the number of events.
  2. Click Save.

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