Business Process Automation

Test SQL Query

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Milestone Templates. Click Add Milestone. Click Add From-Where Clause. Click View Query. Click Test Query.

This page displays the results of testing the SQL select statement on the selected business object. The test results show which stops on the shipment, or whether the equipment used in the shipment, would be successfully replicated by this milestone. The results also show which order base or release lines would be successfully replicated by this milestone.

If the SQL statement replicates stops, the stop numbers that would be successfully replicated are listed (1 for the first stop, 2 for the second stop, etc.). If the SQL statement replicates equipment, then the Shipment ID is displayed if replication would be successful. If the SQL statement replicates an order release line, the order release lines that would be successfully replicated are listed. If the SQL statement replicates an order base line, the order base lines that would be successfully replicated are listed.

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