Contract and Rate Management

Expire Allocation

The Expire Allocation action is found via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Commitment Allocation > Actions > Expire Allocation.

This action changes the expiration date for the commitment and creates or deletes resulting usage records. You cannot expire a count if you have a usage that occurs after your proposed expiration date.

  1. Enter a New Expiration Date. The new expiration date can be before or after the current date. If the date entered is after the current date, new commitment count usage records will be created. The expiration date must be the last day of the time period. All usages beyond that date will be deleted.
  2. Select the Deactivate Commitments In Use check box to deactivate use records between the last in-use date and the specified date. The records will remain for reporting purposes but will no longer be used for planning purposes.
  3. Click OK.

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Commitment Allocation