Shipment Management

Vehicle Type

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Vehicle Types.

Create vehicle types to assign additional dimensional attributes to equipment groups. Vehicle types are commonly associated with air modes of transport.

Note: You must create a vehicle type and assign it to an equipment group to use that equipment group for air transport.

Vehicle types contain door height and width dimensions that must be added to the equipment group so that ship units assigned to that equipment group can fit through the door when they are loaded onto the plane. For example, you can create a ship unit with dimensions of 10 feet in height by 10 feet in width. You can then assign that ship unit to an equipment group. If you create a vehicle type and assign it to that equipment group, then the vehicle type's door dimensions must be larger than those of the ship unit (for example, 20 feet in height and 20 feet in width).

If these door dimensions are not larger than the ship unit dimensions and the equipment group is assigned to a shipment, shipment planning produces an infeasible shipment with this equipment group.

If you setup your vehicle types without any equipment groups, OTM will check the ship unit against door dimensions on the vehicle type “loose freight” scenario.

If you make an association between the vehicle type and an equipment group, then OTM no longer does the door dimension check, but does a check to see if the equipment group assigned to the shipment is compatible with the equipment group(s) associated with the vehicle type.

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