Shipment Management

Itinerary Profile

Itinerary profiles associate one or more itineraries and are entered in shipment group rules. During shipment planning, the system uses the itinerary profiles on a shipment group rule. Shipments that use the itineraries included in profiles can be added to shipment groups based on the shipment group rule. This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Itinerary Management > Itinerary Profile.

  1. The required Itinerary Profile ID uniquely identifies the itinerary profile.
  2. Use the Itinerary Profile Name to further describe the profile.
  3. Mark the Compatible check box to indicate that the itineraries in the profile can be used when creating a shipment group from a rule to which the profile is associated. If you do not mark the Compatible check box, all itineraries except the ones in the profile can be used for the shipment group rule.
  4. Enter one or more Itinerary IDs to associate itineraries with the profile. Click Save after each ID is created/selected.
  5. Click Finished.

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Itinerary Parameters