Shipment Management

Network Routing and Order Movements

Order movements are an important part of order release planning within network routing. They are an important part of the shipment creation process. This topic explains how order movements are used within network routing.

The logic configuration - network routing parameter SET OM WINDOWS FOR SPECIFIC PATH determines if OTM will create order movements with more or less restrictive time windows, based on a specific rate service and/or schedule choice on each of the legs.

The parameter USE ROUTING SOLUTION ORDER MOVEMENT CONSTRAINTS controls whether the choices selected by the network routing are persisted as constraints on the order movement. The default is FALSE.

The property allows you to set the time the time window (pick up and delivery time window) on the order movement so that the order movement bundle does not get broken due to drive result infeasibility. When true, OTM will persist the time window constraint from the network routing process. The default is false.

Itinerary Leg and Network Leg Order Movements

Routing networks have introduced the network leg, a new type of leg, so there are now three types of order movements:

  • An order movement for an itinerary leg without a routing network, as prior to the network routing feature (hereafter called an "ordinary order movement").
  • An order movement for a network leg in a routing network (a "network leg order movement").
  • An order movement for an itinerary leg with a routing network (a "network routable order movement").

A network routable order movement represents the fact that the order release is planned along that itinerary leg, and thus through that leg's routing network. However, when the order release is actually planned through the routing network, the order release will have at least one individual order movement for each network leg it is planned along within the routing network. Thus, the network routable order movement is different from ordinary order movements or network leg order movements in the following ways:

  • It is on an itinerary leg with a routing network.
  • When the order release has been planned through the routing network onto shipments, the network routable order movement does not have shipment ship units. The individual network leg order movements will have shipment ship units. The network routable order movement does not have shipment ship units in part to avoid double-counting.
  • When the order release has not yet been planned through the routing network onto shipments, the network routable order movement will have shipment ship units. (There is no network leg order movement to contain these.)
  • The network routable order movement is never planned onto a shipment. Only the individual network leg order movements can be planned onto a shipment. This is true even if the order release is planned entirely through the routing network on only one network leg and only one shipment. In this case, there would be
    • an itinerary leg with a routing network,
    • a network routable order movement on that itinerary leg,
    • a network leg order movement on the network leg, that is planned onto a shipment.
  • When a network routable order movement has network leg order movements, then it will be in the PLANNED-FINAL status.
  • There is a link between the network routable order movement and the network leg order movements on the associated routing network. A network leg order movement displays its 'Itinerary Leg Order Movement', and there is a SmartLink "Related Network Leg Order Movements' for a network routable order movement that will bring up its associated network leg order movement.
  • When the routable order movement is planned, the first child order movement gets the operational early pickup date from the end time of the previous shipment if any, and the last child order movement gets the operational late delivery date from the start time of the next shipment if any.

Creating Order Movements

There are two ways to create unplanned network routable order movements:

  • 'Manage Buy/Sell Order Movement - With Best Itinerary' order release action - When network routing is used, this action will use network routing to determine the best itinerary, and create unplanned order movements for the legs of that itinerary. If any of the itinerary legs has a routing network, this action will create the network routable order movement for that leg, but not the network leg order movements.
  • Order Release Bulk Plan Process - This will create unplanned order movements when the network routing logic parameter 'Save Order Movements' is turned on. Again, if any of the itinerary legs has a routing network, the bulk plan will create the network routable order movement for that leg, but not the network leg order movements.
    Similarly, the actions "Show Network Routing Options" and "Show Network Routing Options - Ocean" will create unplanned order movements without building shipments when the value of the parameter 'Save Order Movements' is not set as "Build Shipments and Save All Order Movements".

Unassigning Order Movements

When a network routable order movement is unassigned, the following happens:

  • The associated network leg order movements are removed from shipments.
  • The relevant shipment ship units are linked to the network routable order movement.
  • The network leg order movements (and any now-irrelevant shipment ship units) are deleted.
  • The network routable order movement is put in an UNSCHEDULED status.

Note: For reuse leg order movements, if consol leg is not planned and not included in the bulk plan, all reuse leg order movements are excluded from this bulkplan.

Order Movement Bulk Plan

Order Movement Bulk Plan can use network routing.

Before network routing (prior to 6.3), order movement bulk plan did not make any routing decisions, as all of the routing decisions were already made in the creation of the order movements. The order movements in the bulk plan are simply planned onto shipments.

As of 6.3, the above is true for the planning of "ordinary" or "network leg" order movements. Whether or not network routing is being used, order movement bulk plan makes no routing decisions with regard to these order movements, but simply plans them onto shipments.

However, order movement bulk plan can also plan network routable order movements. In this case, when network routing is being used, the logic routes the network routable order movement through its routing network, creating the corresponding network leg order movements, and planning them onto shipments.

Ordinary order movements, network leg order movements, and network routable order movements can all be included in the same order movement bulk plan. If a network routable order movement is included, it is unassigned first, and then planned. However, if both a network routable order movement and one or more of its network leg order movements is included, then they are both left out of the bulk plan, because it is not clear in this case what is intended.

Consol Shipments

During the bulk plan order movement process:

  • Consol shipment planning is only added to the network routing path.
  • Consol shipment planning requires leg consolidation group setup on order movement/leg.
  • For reuse leg order movements, consol leg order movements should be planned first in sequence. If leg consolidation group sequence factor is not setup correctly, i.e. reuse leg order movements is sequenced into leg consolidation groups but the consol leg is not the first group in planning then order movements are excluded from this bulkplan.
  • For reuse leg order movements, if consol leg is not planned and not included in the bulk plan, all reuse leg order movements are excluded from this bulkplan.
  • Order movements with the same travel path can be put on the same shipment equipment in a consol shipment.
  • If itinerary is set up as reuse for consol leg, for example, Optimize-Reuse-Reuse (middle leg use consol), and BUILD_ON_PRIMARY_LEG_OBEY_REUSE_ON_LEG is set to true, build shipment on primary leg or bulkplan order movements will not work for consol shipment with the Flight and Chartered Voyage consol types.

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