Shipment Management

Validate Address

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Location Manager > Actions > Location Management > Utilities > Validate Address.

This action enables you to validate a location's address using an external service engine.

Note: This action uses PROVINCE CODE for North and South American countries. For all other countries it uses the PROVINCE value for validating the address when CITY_PROVINCE is used as a parameter for Source/Destination address.

Validating an Address:

  1. Choose a service engine from the External Distance Selector drop-down list.
  2. Click OK. The Address Validation window opens. If the street address cannot be validated as is, the window displays a list of possible addresses which can include cities, postal codes, county qualifiers, province codes, country, latitude, and longitude.
  3. Enter the correct information from the desired row into the text fields above.
  4. To change or populate the latitude and longitude, click Copy Latitude and Longitude.
  5. Click Save.

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