Order Management

Item Manager: Remarks

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item. Click the Remarks tab.
  • Classification > Trade Items. Click the Remarks tab.
  • Master Data > Trade Items. Click the Remarks tab.

Use this tab to define remarks for Items.


You can record remarks for items. Remarks can be entered manually or through auto text.

  1. Select a Remark Qualifier ID from the drop-down list to provide meaning for the remark. Default Remark Qualifiers are provided; however, you can add your own.
  2. If you want to use auto text and it is enabled for this business object, click the Auto Text button to the right of the Remark Text box. A drop-down list appears containing text templates.
  3. Select text templates associated with the business object from the drop-down list. Once a template has been chosen, the text message from that template automatically populates the Remark Text field.
  4. Use the Remark Text field to record a new remark or add onto the remark if already populated by auto text.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Edit or Delete to modify or remove a remark from the list.

Reference Numbers

Reference numbers are additional qualified numbers that can be assigned to items for informational purposes.

  1. Select an appropriate Reference Number Qualifier ID from the drop-down list to provide meaning for the value that you entered. Public Reference Qualifiers are provided to represent common industry numbers such as purchase order numbers, invoice numbers, etc. The qualifiers that appear in the list depend on the business object for which they were created. You can edit the public qualifiers by logging in as DBA.ADMIN or you define your own qualifiers in the domain of your choice.
  2. To make a reference number assignment, enter any alphanumeric value in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.

Click Finished  or click Features to move to the next tab.


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