Order Management

Order Releasing Process

An order release represents the content of an order base that has been approved for transportation planning. An order release can be for the entire amount (count, weight, volume), an entire order or a portion of an order depending on what you want to release for transportation.

The following are examples of where multiple releases for an order could be beneficial:

  • Releases against an open purchase order: the order is larger than the largest transportation resource available to ship the order and the order must be split into two releases.
  • Merge in transit: one order comes in but the source for the assorted lines on the order is different from the order itself. Oracle Transportation Management will create releases against the order and coordinate the movement of the activities so that all components of the order come together at a common assembly point and from the assembly point the entire order is delivered as one shipment.
  • Diversion in transit: an order is split after it has been shipped.

After an order release is created, you can build shipments that can be tendered to service providers and tracked through execution and supply chain event management activities.

An order release consists of the following:

  • Order Release ID that is automatically generated
  • Order Release Name and Type
  • Order Base ID that references the order base from which the order release was created
  • Source and Destination location
  • Gross/Net Weight and Volume
  • Early/late Pick Up dates
  • Assigned or Fixed itinerary
  • Current Status
  • Package or Non-package data attributes

Many of the data elements on a release are inherited and/or calculated from the source order base. You can change this data but you should note that the changes are not reflected on the order base and in some cases, calculations are not made, for example, Gross/Net Weight & Volume calculations.

An order release can be created from any order manually created using one of the logistics order management menu options.

Note: Order releases can also be created from order orders that are automatically imported via integration via the TransOrder XML interface.

Releasing from an Order Base

You can control how order releases are automatically created from an order base using the Shippable flag on a Ship Unit or Line Item and manually using the Release Lines and Release Ship Unit actions.

Releasing using the Process Manager

The Process Manager can be used to create order releases for any order base that has not been released.

Credit Check

Oracle Transportation Management can perform a credit check based on a location's credit status. If the location is not credit-worthy, an order is not released.

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