Order Management

Order Movement Build Shipment Process

The follow process occurs when Oracle Transportation Management builds shipments from an order movement.

First, OTM will find ship units for the selected order movement. If the order movement does not have a source or destination location, OTM will set it to that of the previous leg's location profile or location. Next, OTM will build the cheapest shipment after trying all combinations source and destination locations. If an order movement ship unit has to be split while building the shipment. OTM will update other order movements and shipments using this ship unit to point to the new ship units instead. OTM will also delete the old order movement ship unit.  Then OTM will check for related order movements planned onto the shipment. If there are any, OTM will link new shipments to shipments of related order movements. OTM  will then check if the order movement has related order movements not planned into shipments. if there are any, OTM will link the new shipments to related order movement.  OTM will then copy the source and destination location of the shipment to the following order movements source and destination location and mark the Fixed Source / Destination Location check box.  Finally, OTM will set the order movements status to PLANNED - FINAL.

First, OTM will find ship units for the selected order movement. If the order movement does not have a source or destination location, OTM will set it to that of the previous leg's location profile or location. Next, OTM will build the cheapest shipment after trying all combinations source and destination locations. If an order movement ship unit has to be split while building the shipment. OTM will update other order movements and shipments using this ship unit to point to the new ship units instead. OTM will also delete the old order movement ship unit.

Then OTM will check for related order movements planned onto the shipment. If there are any, OTM will link new shipments to shipments of related order movements. OTM  will then check if the order movement has related order movements not planned into shipments. if there are any, OTM will link the new shipments to related order movement.

OTM will then copy the source and destination location of the shipment to the following order movements source and destination location and mark the Fixed Source / Destination Location check box.

Finally, OTM will set the order movements status to PLANNED - FINAL.

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